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Are 16 year olds old enough to drive?

Are 16 year olds old enough to drive?

Many teens say they feel that good driving is not a matter of age and maturity, but having enough practice behind the wheel. “You need the same amount of experience no matter what your age,” 17-year-old Sarah Brown told FOXNews.com. In almost all U.S. states teens can get their driver’s license at 16.

What is the best age to start driving?

around 25 years

Does McDonald’s in Germany serve beer?

McDonald’s in Germany serves beer! They have different burgers as well. Gotta eat McDonald’s in every country.

Is Germany friendly to foreigners?

Yes, German are really friendly to foreigners. However, when Germans make friends they truly make friends. Germans don t do that. So they can come across as unfriendly.

Why do Germans stare?

People stare at you all the time German pedestrians also use it to communicate, and the right amount of eye contact at the right time can mean “I am walking here, and it’s not my fault if you don’t move over and get pushed off the sidewalk.” It might take some practice, but just try to stare as the locals stare.

Are Germans tall?

The average German is 172.87cm (5 feet 8.06 inches) tall on average. The average German man is 179.88cm (5 feet 8.81 inches) tall. The average German woman is 165.86cm (5 feet 5.29 inches) tall.

Is 172 cm a good height?

Yes it is. Average height of male in India is 166.3 cm (i.e. 5 ft 5.5 inches) while for female it is 152.6 cm (i.e. 5 ft) approximately. So, as far as your question is concerned, aforesaid height is above average in both cases.

What races are short?

For most road runners, the 5K and 10K are considered short distances, while the half marathon and full marathon are long distance races.

Is 5 feet 3 inches short for a man?

Average Height for Men Overview Average male height worldwide is usually measured in centimeters by doctors and scientists. The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches — or about 5 feet, 9.3 inches to be precise. That’s roughly 176 centimeters.

Does height matter for guys?

Men were much less likely to say that height mattered, and for those that did, they preferred shorter women, but not so short that it would cause problems with physical intimacy. “I like it when the body of your partner fits yours,” said another study participant, a male who is 5 feet 11 inches tall.