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Are and were example?

Are and were example?

The verb ‘are’ can also be used for an event that was true long ago, For example: My siblings were naughty, but my siblings are no longer annoying. The verb ‘were’ can often be found in the old conditions. The verb ‘are’ seems to have more than one purpose but the verb ‘were’ is being for a sole purpose.

What are the rules for were and were?

Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they. There is a tip you might want to consider. Even though you are singular, you must use “were”.

Should I use will or would in an if clause?

The short answer is no, but there are exceptions to the rule. An if- or when-clause (often used to form conditional sentences) generally does not contain “will,” which is the simple future tense of the verb “to be.” One exception is when the action in the if- or when-clause takes place after that in the main clause.

Were to in the if clause?

‘Were to’ is used in the present to place emphasis on the improbability of the condition. It shows that something is highly unlikely or unthinkable. This form is used in the ‘if-clause’. If he were to be my boss, I think I would quit the next day.

What do you need to consider when using conditionals?

Conditional should means if and is used for hypothetical situations. Should you need anything else, please call this number. (If you need anything else, please call this number.)

What are the two big things that everyone should remember when using conditionals?

Divide sentences – When you’re just starting with conditionals, it’s helpful to always break sentences into two distinct parts – the if-clause and the main clause, and learn which tense goes where for every conditional.

What is the importance of conditionals?

Conditionals are extremely important in the English language because they help us express things that may happen in the present and future. Conditionals serve many purposes and take several different forms. They can be used to give advice, express regret and discuss facts, among other things.

What is the importance of conditionals in argumentation?

Since conditional statements (statements of the form p → q) are used to describe “cause and effect” relationships, they play a crucial role written communication and in logical argumentation. Because of the importance of conditional statements, we need to be able to recognize when a statement is conditional in form.

What is the importance of zero conditional in expressing your arguments?

We use the zero conditional when we want to talk about facts or things that are generally true. Scientific facts are often covered by the zero conditional: “When you heat ice, it melts.” The zero conditional uses if or when and must be followed by the simple present or imperative.

How many claims must an argument include?

The thesis for your argument needs to be opinionated or debatable. The thesis will usually fall into 4 different categories or claims. You SHOULD make sure that your thesis fits one of the following types of claims. Sometimes, an arguable thesis may overlap and use 2 or even 3 different claims.

Are IF THEN statements arguments?

A hypothetical argument consists (not surprisingly) of a hypothetical premise (also called a conditional statement in logic and an “if/then” statement in ordinary life), another premise, and a conclusion. Here is one valid form: If S, then P. This argument is valid.

When can we say that a conditional statement will be true or false?

Hypotheses followed by a conclusion is called an If-then statement or a conditional statement. This is read – if p then q. A conditional statement is false if hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false. The example above would be false if it said “if you get good grades then you will not get into a good college”.

How do you form a zero conditional?

In zero conditional sentences, the tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple present….Form.

If clause (condition) Main clause (result)
If + simple present simple present
If this thing happens that thing happens.

What is the example of zero conditional sentence?

Examples: When you heat ice, it melts. When you don’t give plants enough water, they die….Examples of the zero conditional.

If clause Main clause
If + subject + verb in the present tense Subject + verb in the present tense
If babies are hungry, they cry.
If you heat ice, it melts.