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Are theme and central message the same?

Are theme and central message the same?

The main idea is what something is mostly about. Main ideas are typically found in a literary passage. Central ideas are found in an informational text. The theme is the lesson or message that the writer wants to get across in his or her story.

What is the moral of the story Letter to God?

Answer: The moral of the story ‘The Letter to god’ is that extreme faith in the almighty can give you a ray of hope even in the darkest times.

Why did his family taunt him?

Answer. The whole family taunted the young seagull so that he can gather some courage and make his attempt to learn to fly. Because the young seagull was feeling afraid he was not able to learn to fly. All the younger siblings of the young seagull had learned to fly, it was only he who was left to learn.

What methods did his parents apply to make him fly?

Answer: seagulls mother and father uses many tactics to make him fly. they screamed ,scold him and at last they threatened to let him starve on the ledge. they made him envious by teaching his siblings how to fly and catch the prey.

What efforts did the seagull’s parents make to make him fly?

seagulls mother and father uses many tactics to make him fly. they screamed ,scold him and at last they threatened to let him starve on the ledge. they made him envious by teaching his siblings how to fly and catch the prey.

What the seagull’s parents show their pride at his elder brother was?

The seagull’s parents showed pride at his elder brother because his elder brother caught his first herring fish.

Did the mother seagull really want to taunt and mock its child?

No the mother did not wanted.

Do you think that the seagull’s family loved him?

Answer. Answer: yes seagull’s family loved him but they behave rude with seagull because they afraid to flying . so seagull’s family decide to live him alone and seagull’s alone 24 hours.

What was the attitude of the seagull’s parents towards him?

The seagull’s parents were protective but at the same time critical about his fright. Like all other parents they were didactic and wanted their offspring to learn the traits of life at the earliest possible. Through love and threat they tried to boost his courage and make him venture on his first flight.

Do you think hunger was a good motivation?

Do you think hunger was a good motivation for the young seagull in his first flight? Answer: Yes, in this case, hunger was a great motivation for the young seagull. He was coward, full of fear. All the efforts of his parents had failed to coax him into flight.

Why did parents coax him to fly?

The young seagulls parents threatened and cajoled him to fly because they wanted him to become self dependent. They knew that he would never be able to do anything if didn’t learn to fly.

What is your impression of the reaction of the parents in the story his first flight?

Answer. The role of the parents in the story “His First Flight” is one of the important to make the young seagull learn the art of flying. They are an example of the way parents make their children learn new things. At first, they were very supportive and encouraging.