Can a denotation be negative?

Can a denotation be negative?

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the ‘dictionary definition. However, because of usage over time, words that denote approximately the same thing may acquire additional meanings, or connotations, that are either positive (meliorative ) or negative (pejorative ).

Is House a positive or negative connotation?

The word house has a neutral connotation, meaning it is neither positive nor negative. The word thrifty can have a positive connotation. But its synonym, cheap, usually has a negative connotation.

What is another word for denotation?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for denotation, like: explicit meaning, referent, signifying, description, definition, acceptation, message, meaning, reference, extension and indication.

What is a connotative meaning of the term babe?

The definition of a babe is an infant or young child, or someone who is innocent and has very little life experience, or it is a term of endearment which is similar to the word “sweetheart.” Used as a term of endearment.

What is difference between denotation and connotation?

DENOTATION: The direct definition of the word that you find in the dictionary. CONNOTATION: The emotional suggestions of a word, that is not literal.

What does Denation mean?

noun. the act or process of denoting; indication. a particular meaning, esp one given explicitly rather than by suggestion. something designated or referred toCompare referent, connotation.

Which word has the opposite Denotative meaning as wrought?

The answer would be Fashioned.

What is the opposite of Nosey?

What is the opposite of nosey?

incurious uninterested
indifferent unconcerned
uncurious apathetic
unquestioning unobtrusive

What does wrought mean in Old English?

English Language Learners Definition of wrought formal + old-fashioned : carefully formed or worked into shape.

Which of the following is the most emotionally connotative?


For what reason would you choose to use connotative language?

Writers often use connotation to create emotional associations that can be either positive, negative, or neutral. Positive connotation. Words that conjure a favorable emotional response. For example, describing someone ambitious as a “go-getter” or someone who is lively and curious as “youthful.”

Which of the following sentences contains the most arrogant connotation verb?

The correct answer is: Tom slunk down the hall. Question: Which of the following sentences contains the most arrogantly connotative verb? Sharon glided into the room.

Which of the following sentence contains the most negative connotation?

The correct answer is: Shannon sneered at her brother. Question: Which of the following sentences contains the most negative connotation? Eric thought his mother was cruel.

What kind of negative and positive connotations does the word old have?

Connotative Words: Examples

Positive Connotation Neutral Connotation Negative Connotation
courageous confident conceited
unique different peculiar
meticulous selective picky
vintage old decrepit

Which sentence has the most negative connotation a the oily odor of cooking food clung to my clothes?

Answer: C. The oily odor of cooking food clung to my clothes.

Which sentence has the most negative connotation after a long trip?

Answer: B. After an exhausting journey, we stumbled into a loud, hectic city.

Which sentence uses the word fanfare correctly?

There was a lot of fanfare when the winners were announced. The children made great fanfare because there was only one treat left. The dog was brought to the fanfare to enjoy the afternoon. The clown demonstrated some fanfare for the audience.

Which of the following is the denotation of the word inexpensive?

adjective. not expensive; not high in price; costing little.

What is connotation of skinny?

lean, spare, lank, lanky, gaunt, rawboned, scrawny, skinny mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh.

Which word has the most positive connotation bonus Extranicetyluxury?

bonus extra nicety luxury

What is the connotation of home?

the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.” the act of connoting; the suggesting of an additional meaning for a word or expression, apart from its explicit meaning.

What is an example of a connotation sentence?

Common Connotation Examples “He’s such a dog.” – In this sense, the word dog connotes shamelessness, or ugliness. “That woman is a dove at heart.” – Here, the dove implies peace or gentility.