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Can you justify your actions just because of violence Why?

Can you justify your actions just because of violence Why?

If you justify an act of violence by saying that you are in a fight and are therefore fighting back, the justification is a bad one if you are not entitled to take yourself to be in a fight. Fighting back is justified relative to a practice of being in a fight, but is only absolutely justified if that practice is.

Does justified mean saved?

Justification is a word used in the Scriptures to mean that in Christ we are forgiven and actually made righteous in our living. Justification is not a once-for-all, instantaneous pronouncement guaranteeing eternal salvation, regardless of how wickedly a person might live from that point on.

How is a person justified before God?

Justification, in Christian theology, either (1) the act by which God moves a willing person from the state of sin (injustice) to the state of grace (justice); (2) the change in a person’s condition moving from a state of sin to a state of righteousness; or (3) especially in Protestantism, the act of acquittal whereby …

Can war be justified?

A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified, and that carries sufficient moral weight. The country that wishes to use military force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so. Sometimes a war fought to prevent a wrong from happening may be considered a just war.

Does God believe in war?

Most Christians believe that war should be avoided if possible, and should only be undertaken if all efforts to resolve an issue by peaceful means have failed. Many Christians see war as the result of a failure to live by God’s standards.

How does war change society?

War can wipe out a generation of men and cause a slight dip in the birth rates. Over 60 million people died in World War II. Women end up raising children on their own because their husbands died in the war. The anxiety, guilt, grief and other emotions disrupts families and changes social patterns.

How does war affect culture?

Not only does war cripple the economy and politics, but on a deeper level, it taints society and forever alters the cultural identity of those people. They are forced to migrate for the sake of their safety and a better future, carrying their culture with them, but in the process altering it.

What is cultural loss?

Cultural loss is described as a loss of a person’s culture, usually due to a change in environment. Such a change may be due to immigration (Sluzki, 1979). Cultural loss usually occurs when a smaller group encounters or becomes wrapped up in a larger, more dominant culture.

Can cultural identity change?

Since many aspects of a person’s cultural identity can be changed, such as citizenship or influence from outside cultures can change cultural traditions, language is a main component of cultural identity.

What is our cultural identity?

Put simply, your cultural identity is the feeling that you belong to a group of people like you. This is often because of shared qualities like birthplace, traditions, practices, and beliefs. Art, music, and food also shape your cultural identity.

Is violence ever the answer?

Overall, violence is almost never the right answer because it brings in more violence, affects younger generations in negative ways and because there are always alternative responses. Learning to act and respond in nonviolent ways can not only ease a conflict but even save lives.

Can war ever be justified?

Is violence ever politically legitimate?

From this basis, violence can be politically legitimate when rendered the only available form of action for racial and ethnic groups that have been completely excluded from political action.

Why does political violence occur?

The use of political violence is usually to fulfill a revolutionary objective, and in times of civil strife to challenge the status quo. The goals of political violence can be varied such as to strengthen the position of a group, or to weaken an opposing side.

What are the effects of political violence?

Political violence is implicated in a range of mental health outcomes, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The social and political contexts of people’s lives, however, offer considerable protection from the mental health effects of political violence.

What can we do to reduce violence?

Ten Things Adults Can Do To Stop Violence

  1. Set up a Neighborhood Watch or a community patrol, working with police.
  2. Make sure your streets and homes are well-lighted.
  3. Make sure that all the youth in the neighborhood have positive ways to spend their spare time, through organized recreation, tutoring programs, part-time work, and volunteer opportunities.

What is collective political violence?

Collective violence may be defined as: the instrumental use of violence by people, who identify themselves as members of a group – whether this group is transitory or has a more permanent identity – against another group or set of individuals, in order to achieve political, economic or social objectives.

How damaging is violence in life?

For each single death due to violence, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency department visits, and thousands of doctors’ appointments. Furthermore, violence often has lifelong consequences for physical and mental health and social functioning and can slow economic and social development.

What is an example of collective violence?

Collective violence, violent form of collective behaviour engaged in by large numbers of people responding to a common stimulus. At the other extreme are the organized forms of collective violence. These include coups, rebellions, revolutions, terrorism, and war.

What creates violence?

Violence is an extreme form of aggression, such as assault, rape or murder. Violence has many causes, including frustration, exposure to violent media, violence in the home or neighborhood and a tendency to see other people’s actions as hostile even when they’re not.

Does violence feel good?

So aggression can feel good. And that pleasure — and the associated, what we call hedonic reward — is a really potent motivating force.” In other words, he said, aggressive behavior can be reinforced by positive feelings of power and dominance.

Are humans aggressive?

Compared with many primates, humans have a high propensity for proactive aggression, a trait shared with chimpanzees but not bonobos. By contrast, humans have a low propensity for reactive aggression compared with chimpanzees, and in this respect humans are more bonobo-like.

What is violent Behaviour?

Violent behaviour is any behaviour by an individual that threatens or actually harms or injures the individual or others or destroys property. Violent behaviour often begins with verbal threats but over time escalates to involve physical harm.

Does anger lead to violence?

Raging anger may lead to physical abuse or violence. A person who doesn’t control their temper can isolate themselves from family and friends. Some people who fly into rages have low self-esteem, and use their anger as a way to manipulate others and feel powerful.

How do you feel when angry?

Recognize Your Response to Anger You might feel your heart rate and breathing increase. You may feel feelings of frustration, stress, irritation, and rage. Your anger may also trigger anxiety and feel overwhelming at times, and afterwards you might be left with feelings of guilt.

How does your body feel when you are sad?

Depression Causes Physical Symptoms Increased aches and pains, which occur in about two out of three people with depression. Chronic fatigue. Decreased interest in sex. Decreased appetite.

Why do I get mad so easily for no reason?

Some common anger triggers include: personal problems, such as missing a promotion at work or relationship difficulties. a problem caused by another person such as cancelling plans. an event like bad traffic or getting in a car accident.

How do I stop getting angry tears?

Tips for controlling crying

  1. Walk away.
  2. Use words.
  3. Have props and use distractions.
  4. Think about something positive or funny instead.
  5. Concentrate on breathing.
  6. Blink and move the eyes.
  7. Relaxing facial muscles.
  8. Get rid of that throat lump.

Why do I get emotional so easily?

Feeling heightened emotions or like you’re unable to control your emotions can come down to diet choices, genetics, or stress. It can also be due to an underlying health condition, such as depression or hormones.