What is the syllable for biology?
What is the syllable for biology? 4 syllables What is the stress word in biology? Stress is a word used in biology and medicine to describe changes that can be seen in organisms. Stress...
What is the syllable for biology? 4 syllables What is the stress word in biology? Stress is a word used in biology and medicine to describe changes that can be seen in organisms. Stress...
What major event happened in 1865? Events from the year 1865 in the United States. The American Civil War ends with the surrender of the Confederate States, beginning the Reconstruction era of U.S. history....
What is an example of balance in nature? There are places where humans equally support in maintaining the balance of nature. Latin America’s rainforests are such an example. These forests are existing because of...
How do we use while? We use both when and while as subordinating conjunctions to introduce adverbial clauses of time. They mean during the time that and indicate that something is or was happening...
What does Welt mean? (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a strip between a shoe sole and upper through which they are stitched or stapled together. 2 : a doubled edge, strip, insert, or...
What is an example of an appliance? The definition of an appliance is a piece of machinery that is used to perform a task. Some examples of appliances include coffee makers, washing machines, and...
What does unbridled mean in a sentence? formal + literary : not controlled or limited : done, felt, or expressed in a free and uncontrolled way. See the full definition for unbridled in the...
How do you use foods in a sentence? My doctor says I need to eat a lot of vegetables and healthy foods. I looked in the freezer and I found all kinds of frozen...
What separates a subject and predicate? How can you tell the difference between a subject and a predicate? One way to remember the difference between the two is that the subject will be a...
How do you use oxes in a sentence? (1) Every farmer knows how to yoke the oxen together. (2) In those days the land was plowed by oxen. (3) The oxen were shot or...