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Could have swore or could have sworn?

Could have swore or could have sworn?

The correct form is “could have sworn.” This is because “sworn” is the past participle of “swear,” and the perfect tense-aspect requires the past participle after the auxiliary “have.”

Could ve sworn meaning?

—used to say that one feels definitely sure about something though it appears not to be true I could have sworn that I left my keys on the counter.

Can you use sworn in a sentence?

For example “I could have sworn I heard someone moving downstairs. Go down and check.” Barry looked at the bill. “It says here I had four bottles of beer, but I could’ve sworn it was only three.”

What is Gibber?

Gibber, rock- and pebble-littered area of arid or semi-arid country in Australia. The rocks are generally angular fragments formed from broken up duricrust, usually silcrete, a hardened crust of soil cemented by silica (SiO2).

Which animal is Gibber?


What does Knickerbocker mean?

pants that rolled up just below the knee, which became known as “Knickerbockers”, or “knickers”. Later known as Knickerbocker’s History of New York, Irving’s book introduced the word “knickerbocker” to signify a New Yorker who could trace his or her ancestry to the original Dutch settlers.

What does grunt mean?

A grunt is a short, deep sound. If you think about the noise a pig makes, you’ll have a good idea of what a grunt sounds like. It’s an animal-like sound that people make when they’re inarticulate, angry, sullen, or lazy — or sometimes if they’re hurt or afraid.

Is grunt a derogatory term?

Evidently, according to my big book of military derogatory term origins, the term “grunt” started in Vietnam with its first appearance in print in 1969 as an acronym to describe the guys who ended up on the front lines. As you might expect, used by Navy personnel frequently in reference to ground based forces.

Why are they called grunts?

Some say the term started in Vietnam when POGs needed their own term to describe the dirty, smelly infantrymen who made fun of the troops who sat in air-conditioned buildings all day instead of getting stuck in the jungle. These troops were categorized as “General Replacement Unit, Not Trained,” or GRUNT.

What does Granny Grunt mean?

Over the years, I’ve met so many elderly people like ‘Granny Grunt’; people who, not wanting to be ‘a burden’ to their families, tell them not to visit, some going so far as to invent a non-existent social life.

Is a grunt Army or Marine?

A colloquialism for infantrymen in the Army and Marine Corps, grunts are the military’s door kickers and trigger pullers, in short, they’re the pointy end of the spear. By contrast, the term POG — person other than grunt — refers to non-infantry personnel.

What Mos is considered a grunt?

The meaning of POG, in military talk, is Person Other than Grunt, while a “grunt” is a term to define infantrymen and combat arms soldiers whose AIT, which stands for Advanced Individual Training, is in the Infantry School. Their Military Occupational Specialty or MOS puts them on the frontline.

Which branch sees most combat?

What Military Branch Sees the Most Combat?

  • Navy SEALS.
  • Army Rangers.
  • Force Recon Marines.
  • Carrier-Based Aircraft.
  • F-22 Fighter Wings.
  • Naval Ships.
  • 509th Bomb Wing. America’s B-2s and stealth bombers are part of the 509th Bomb Wing.
  • The Highest Combat. Certainly, in sheer numbers, the Army sees the most action.

Which military branch is easiest to rank up?

The Army is by far the fastest promoter in all categories (enlisted, warrant officer, officer), followed by the Navy, then the Marine Corps, and finally the Air Force. I am not sure where the Coast Guard ranks precisely, but it is definitely on the slow side.

Can female Marines wear makeup?

Makeup: Cosmetics are allowed on female Marines but must be applied conservatively.

Do Marines drink a lot?

The Marine Corps had the highest reported rate, with 42.6 percent of respondents saying they engaged in binge drinking within the past 30 days. The Navy was next, with 34.2 percent of sailors reporting binge drinking. More than 31 percent of Coast Guard respondents also said they’d binged.

Do Marines shave their head?

Male Marines are not required to have hair clipped to the scalp all over the head, except when he is undergoing recruit training. A male Marine may shave his entire head. Female Marines have looser standards, as the Marine Corps has recently allowed the exception of locks, twists, and braids.