Do you use comma before but?

Do you use comma before but?

You should only put a comma before “but” when connecting two independent clauses. For example, this usage of “but” does not take a comma: “To quack but to have no one hear is a sad thing for a duck.”

Do you put commas behind because?

Because is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects a subordinate clause to an independent clause; good style dictates that there should be no comma between these two clauses. There should generally be no comma between the two.

How do you use but in a sentence examples?

“I want to go to the party, but I am so tired.” “I like her, but I don’t like her friend.” “I studied for the test, but I don’t think I did well.” “I’m hungry, but I have nothing to eat.”

What does still and all mean?

Nevertheless, all the same, as in But still and all, trekking in Nepal is an expensive undertaking. Although critics believe this idiom is an unnecessarily long form of the adverb still, it has been used since the early 1800s and remains current.

Is howbeit a real word?

adverb. Nevertheless; however. ‘But I suspect even that was fueled by the hot coal of self-regard, howbeit self-regard is often the product of self-loathing. ‘

How do you use Still and all?

phrase. Nevertheless; even so. ‘But still and all, we feel that Government should take the NCZ problem more earnestly this time round to ensure that the plant resumes its full production capacity as soon as possible. ‘

Can a sentence start with nevertheless?

Yes you can start a sentence with nevertheless. It means, in spite of, notwithstanding. However, in a practical usage, you will probably be writing some content and as a contrary statement, you will start a new sentence with nevertheless.

Can a sentence start with however?

However may be used to begin a sentence, it can be used in conjunction with but, and you can place it pretty much anywhere you want in a sentence, so long as you do so with care. So pull on your boots of confidence and stop worrying about using however. There are better things in life on which to spend your time.

Why you should never start a sentence with and?

‘Contrary to what your high school English teacher told you, there’s no reason not to begin a sentence with but or and; in fact, these words often make a sentence more forceful and graceful. They are almost always better than beginning with however or additionally. ‘

Is starting a sentence with look rude?

Sometimes a writer will use the word, ‘look’ to begin a line, but it will be in the context of a command as, “Look at the puppy,” or “Look away before you turn to stone!” In the age before Obama, starting a sentence with this word was reserved for bad film and television. …

Is starting a sentence with Listen rude?

listen, bro, you’re being too sensitive. If you’re talking about an online, typed out sentence, then yes. That is kind of offensive.

Is starting a sentence with well rude?

9 Answers. “Well” does not serve any grammatical usage in this sentence. That’s because, in this context, “well” is an interjection, a word that expresses emotion.

Were at the start of a sentence?

Yes, we can start an interrogative sentence (question) with was and were. Was there somebody at the door?

Do we put comma after WELL?

Well is an introductory word that a comma should separate from the rest of the sentence. In sentence A, there is no comma after well.

How do you use a comma for dummies?

In English, when you join two complete sentences with the conjunctions and, or, but, nor, yet, so, or for, place a comma before the conjunction. If you use just a comma, you create a comma splice and your friends will all laugh at you.

Do you use comma before but?

Do you use comma before but?

You should only put a comma before “but” when connecting two independent clauses. For example, this usage of “but” does not take a comma: “To quack but to have no one hear is a sad thing for a duck.”

Do you put commas behind because?

Because is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects a subordinate clause to an independent clause; good style dictates that there should be no comma between these two clauses. There should generally be no comma between the two.

How do we use however?

‘However’ can be used to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence. ‘However’ indicates that the relationship between the two independent clauses is one of contrast or opposition. The engineers claimed that the bridge was safe; however, they were still not prepared to risk crossing.

Is but and however the same?

“But” is a conjunction, and “however” is a conjunctive adverb. Confused yet? Don’t be! Simply put, “but” would use a comma to split two sentences, while “however” would use a semicolon or full stop to split the same sentence.

Can I use however and but in the same sentence?

Since “but” and “however” perform the same function in a sentence, it’s not appropriate to use them together. Suppose you have written “but the cake he made for my birthday, however, was his old girlfriend’s favorite flavor, not mine.” Revise this to use just one or the other.

Can you use however mid sentence?

The most common way of using ‘however’ is to mean ‘but’. This usually comes at the beginning of a sentence, and is followed by a comma. For this use, it’s also correct to put it in the middle of the sentence, with commas either side.

Can but and however be used interchangeably?

But and however can often be used interchangeably But and however are often used interchangeably to mean ‘yet’, but they are punctuated differently because however in this context is a conjunctive adverb, (also known as an adverbial conjunct) not a conjunction.

What other word can be used instead of however?


  • even so,
  • howbeit,
  • nevertheless,
  • nonetheless,
  • notwithstanding,
  • still,
  • still and all,
  • though,

Is however a formal word?

In this use, however is also known as a transition word or a conjunctive adverb. It is common in formal speaking and writing. Think of it as a formal way to say but, but don’t make the mistake of using it with the same punctuation!

How do you say but in a formal way?

The following list will help you to recognize the informal and formal ways of saying the same thing….Transitions – Informal & Formal.

Informal Formal
Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
But However
So Therefore/Thus
Also In addition, Additionally

What is another word for however in an essay?

On the contrary, contrarily, notwithstanding, but, however, nevertheless, in spite of, in contrast, yet, on one hand, on the other hand, rather, or, nor, conversely, at the same time, while this may be true.