Does a background check show if you have a GED?

Does a background check show if you have a GED?

Background checks show education history A good and professionally conducted education background check will help to verify the following: A candidate’s GED, certificates, diplomas, college degrees, training, other credentials and honors.

Can you lie about a college degree?

No matter what the reason or justification for lying, if your resume isn’t entirely truthful, know this: You don’t have to resort to lying to win a job. There are ethical resume strategies you can use to address issues like minimal work experience, lack of or incomplete college degrees, and being fired.

How does background check verify education?

Typically, the check will verify the dates of attendance and whether or not the degree was obtained. Most degrees are verified by the Admissions and Records office of the school or institution. Some institutions use third-party companies to verify education, and may or may not charge a fee.

How do employers verify your education?

Sometimes, a hiring manager may ask you to present your diploma, so they can keep a copy of it in your file. Other applications can require you to submit or order a sealed transcript. Another way a hiring manager may authenticate your education is by contacting the schools or universities that you attended.