Does Benvolio tell the truth about the fighting?

Does Benvolio tell the truth about the fighting?

Benvolio is part of the Montague family. His loyalties to the Montagues make him tell lies. He’s not telling the truth. There were twenty Montagues fighting in this awful riot, and together those twenty could only kill one man.

What is Lady Capulet’s reaction?

Lady Capulet believes that Juliet refuses to marry because she is grieving over her cousin’s death. Ultimately, she tells her daughter to give her excuses to her father and see how well the go over….. she was a frustrated mother! Here comes your father. Tell him so yourself, And see how he will take it at your hands.

What is Lady Capulet’s immediate reaction to Benvolio’s testimony?

but newly entertained revenge? What is Lady Capulet’s immediate reaction to Benvolio’s testimony? Because he is a friend of the Montague’s he lied. According to Lady Capulet.

What is Lady Capulet’s reaction when she stumbles upon the scene of the fight?

What is Lady Capulet’s reaction when she stumbles upon the scene of the fight? She immediately wants someone from the Montague house to be killed as punishment for her nephew being murdered. Does Benvolio tell the truth about the fight? Yes he tells the truth.

Who stops Romeo from killing himself?


How many people did Romeo kill?

Six people

Who killed themselves first in Romeo and Juliet?

The deaths of Romeo and Juliet occur in a sequence of compounding stages: first, Juliet drinks a potion that makes her appear dead. Thinking her dead, Romeo then drinks a poison that actually kills him. Seeing him dead, Juliet stabs herself through the heart with a dagger.

Why is Tybalt blamed?

The first reason Tybalt can be blamed is that he participated in the fighting it the beginning of the play. He played a role in the families hatred toward each other. The feud between the two families would not have been so harsh if members from each family would had agreed to quit fighting.

Does Lady Capulet die in Romeo and Juliet?

No, Lady Capulet does not die, at least, not during the action of the play. Lady Montague, however, does die. When he arrives at the Capulet family crypt, Montague tells the Prince: Alas, my liege, my wife is dead to-night!

When Benvolio tells the prince what happened?

When Benvolio relates to the Prince what happened, what does he say Romeo tried to before Mercutio was killed? Benvolio tells the Prince that Romeo tried to the stop the fight. He also tells the Prince that he tried to use the penalty imposed by the Prince as a means to stop the fight.

Why does Benvolio think that there will be a fight?

Benvolio thinks there is going to be a fight because the capulets are outside and it’s hot. What does Mercutio accuse Benvolio of in lines 15-30? When Tybalt and Mercutio first begin arguing, Benvolio tries to get them to stop fighting or take it somewhere private so that they don’t get in trouble by the prince.

What was Romeo’s tragic mistake?

Romeo’s tragic flaw is his impetuosity, his rashness of action before thinking thoroughly. You would want to look for examples of this behavior. Examples include: Falling in “love” with Juliet within minutes of meeting her, even after finding out that she was a Capulet.