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Does Lice Peeking die in flush?

Does Lice Peeking die in flush?

Lice Peeking Because of his disappearance and presumed death, his girlfriend Shelly starts helping Noah and Abbey prove that Dusty is dumping the sewage into the water. Lice is not dead, however, and reappears before the end of Flush.

Why does Paine Underwood go back to jail?

Why does Paine Underwood go back to jail? He goes back to jail for tampering with his tracking device.

What is ironic about Paine breaking out of jail?

What was ironic about Paine breaking out of jail? He was about to be released from jail anyway. Which of the following is NOT a reason that Shelly believes that Lice Peeking disappeared? He didn’t show up to work.

What does Jasper Jr do to Noah under the bridge at Snake Creek?

Jasper Jr. and Bull got out of their johnboat, and Jasper Jr. punched Noah in the right eye and spit on him.

What happened as Noah watched the salvage crew float the casino boat?

What happened as Noah was watching the salvage crew float the casino boat? Their mother drove by and told them to go home. Dusty Muleman gave Noah a box to give to his dad. Dusty Muleman gave Noah a box to give to his dad.

Who burned the Coral Queen?

Later on Noah and his father figure out the Coral Queen was reopened, but shortly after it is burned down by arson at the opening party by Dusty’s own son!

Who owns the Coral Queen in flush?

Noah’s father, Paine, a passionate environmentalist, has been arrested for sinking the Coral Queen, a casino boat operated by “Dusty” Muleman, whom Paine believes has been illegally dumping sewage from the boat’s holding tank into the ocean at night.

What happens to Noah and Abbey after they escape from Luno and dusty?

On page 193, Luno threatens Noah and Abbey by point to a gun at them and threated to shot them if they don’t stop. 3. What happens to Noah and Abbey after they escape from Luno and Dusty? On page 197 – 199, after Noah and Abbey escape they get stranded in the ocean.

Why does the Coast Guard never catch dusty emptying the holding tank on one of their surprise inspections?

Why does the coast guard never catch Dusty emptying the holding tank on one of their surprising inspections? It was costing him money every time the cab was off the road, in the body shop.

What is the conflict in the book flush?

In Florida, during the 1990’s, Noah and Abbey’s father crashed into Dusty Muleman’s boat because he thinks that Dusty’s boat is polluting the water. Because of that big commotion, Noah’s dad goes to jail and that turns out to be Noah’s main internal conflict.

What made Grandpa Bobby return?

The reason the American Government thought Grandpa Bobby was dead. His stolen wallet and ID was found on a man who turned up dead. The reason Grandpa Bobby decided to come out of hiding and come back to the Florida Keys. He saw the jailhouse interview of Payne Underwood.