Does thank God need a comma?

Does thank God need a comma?

“Thank God” does not need or want a comma. Nor would “Thank the Savior”, “Thanks be to Jesus”, “Praise Jesus”, or other structures in which the god reference is is an indirect or prepositional object. but the recipient of direct address is set apart with a comma.

How do you fix a bad sentence?

For instance, if we say, ‘Tina at the school,’ we definitely want to know what Tina did at the school. To fix this type of faulty sentence, we need to add a verb. Saying, ‘Tina ate bananas at the school,’ would turn this fragment into a complete sentence.

What is a faulty parallel structure?

A faulty parallelism (also sometimes called parallel structure error or a parallel construction error) occurs when the structure of a sentence is not grammatically parallel. This error occurs most often in sentences that contain lists.

How do you fix a faulty parallel structure?

You can correct this by rewriting the sentence as it is listed in the opening paragraph, or you can reconstruct it so that “it” serves as the subject for all three phases: When you come across faulty parallelism, it clangs off the ear, it destroys written sentences, and it muddies any intention the author may have had.

How do you get rid of faulty parallelism?

To avoid faulty parallelism, the sentence above should be corrected to: Correct: I like jogging and walking. Words, phrases, and clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) need to have parallel grammatical construction.

Which sentence is an example of faulty parallelism my grandmother?

My grandmother not only planted a garden but also a bed of flowers. The flowers my grandmother planted are azaleas, marigolds, and peonies. I believe that gardening is a good hobby for some people but that it would not be a fun hobby for me. – is an example of faulty parallelism.

Which is an example of a faulty coordination?

Faulty coordination means that two clauses are joined together in an illogical order. Here is an example of faulty coordination: Although she walked to school, it was snowing. The order of these two clauses does not make sense. The order of the two clauses is logical, making it an appropriate sentence.

How do you fix bad coordination?

Faulty coordination can be corrected by placing ideas of lesser emphasis in a subordinate position. You may give an idea less emphasis by using a subordinate clause, a modifying phrase or an appositive. 1. Subordination can be done by using a subordinate clause.

Which is an example of faulty coordination I like to stay in shape?

Which is an example of faulty coordination? Running burns calories, and it helps strengthen leg muscles. I like to stay in shape, and running helps me do that. Running on a treadmill is much easier than running outdoors.

Which is an example of faulty coordination The Scarlet Letter?

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and died in Plymouth, New Hampshire. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale are sweethearts who can never marry each other.

Which sentence is an example of faulty coordination service industries?

Considering this, the sentence that is an example of faulty coordination is “Service industries have begun to play an important role in Philadelphia, and the city’s economy is more complex” because in this sentence the first idea related to the role of service industries in Philadelphia do not belong to the same level …

What book does Hawthorne like the scarlet letter?

The Marble Faun

Which is an example of faulty coordination Brainly?

An example of faulty coordination is Samuel Clemens was born in 1835, and he is better known by the pen name Mark Twain. The answer is B.