How are the two passages different the essay is written?

How are the two passages different the essay is written?

How are the two passages different? The essay is written only for teachers, but the article is written for high-school students. The essay reveals Pat Mora’s perspective, while the article has a less personal tone. The essay uses general examples, while the article reveals a personal perspective.

How are the two passages different the leader in the mirror?

How are the two passages different? The essay reveals Pat Mora’s perspective, while the article has a less personal tone. Read the excerpt from Pat Mora’s essay “The Leader in the Mirror.” I hoped that most of the students were going to enroll in college.

How are the two passages similar immigrants?

Explanation: The two given passages from the poem “The Leader in the Mirror” and the essay with the same name, have in similar that they both show that immigrants and their children are pressured to forget their heritage, we can see that in the poem when the parents raise their children imitating the American culture.

What is the author’s purpose Dear Ann?

i don’t know exactly what happened next, but suddenly my skis had criss-crossed and i was skiing backward! what is the author’s purpose? to entertain the reader with a humorous story to provide practical ski instruction tips to educate the reader about skiing techniques to persuade a friend to try a new winter sport.

What is the author’s purpose in using a mirror as a symbol?

The author’s purpose is to demonstrate how the mirror symbolizes power. The author’s purpose is to demonstrate how the mirror symbolizes beauty. The author uses the mirror as a symbol of self-reflection and encourages students to see themselves as leaders….

What is the author’s purpose to entertain the reader with an interesting story?

The answer is D.) to persuade readers to apply for employment at a park….

What is author’s purpose examples?

An author’s purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition. An author writes with one of four general purposes in mind: 1. To relate a story or to recount events, an author uses narrative writing.

How do you know if the author’s purpose is to entertain?

If the text is a poem, play, or story, then it’s safe to say that the author’s main purpose is to entertain readers. If the text is not a poem, play, or story, ask yourself the next question.

What are the details that one should look for in reading an author’s biography?

A good biography presents the facts about a person’s life including what the subject did and how he or she made a difference in the world. It should also tell the story in an interesting way, showing what the person was really like, how he or she acted, and how others responded.

How do you identify an author’s opinion?

The author’s perspective, or viewpoint, is how the author feels about the subject. In order to determine the author’s perspective, you need to figure out what opinion or attitude the author has about the subject. To determine the author’s perspective, ask yourself: ➢ What is the author’s purpose for writing?

What are the strategies in locating thesis statement?

Strategies in Locating Thesis Statement: Read the title of the text and make inferences on its purpose. If the text has no abstract or executive summary, read the first few paragraphs as the thesis statement is usually located here. check the conclusion where authors sum up and review their main points.

What are the dos and don’ts in writing an effective thesis statement?

DON’T be vague or mysterious. Vague language talks about something without directly saying what it is. Some students believe that their thesis statement should be vague so it doesn’t give the argument away.

What are the strategies in locating topic sentence?

The topic sentence should identify the main idea and point of the paragraph. To choose an appropriate topic sentence, read the paragraph and think about its main idea and point. The supporting details in the paragraph (the sentences other than the topic sentence) will develop or explain the topic sentence.