How can I make my coursework better?

How can I make my coursework better?

Seven Tips to Help You Produce Excellent CourseworkUnderstand the objective before you begin. Research, research, research. Plan your essay or report carefully. Manage your time. Do not plagiarise. Review and edit your work. Make sure it fits all presentation requirements.

What means utter?

The adjective utter is often used as an intensifier to mean “total” — often with negative connotations (like “utter failure”). As a verb, the word has a totally unrelated meaning: to speak or to articulate a sound. If you utter something, you give it voice.

What is another word for compete?

Compete, contend, contest mean to strive to outdo or excel.

What word is the opposite of loneliness?

If we consider “loneliness” as a character trait, then a person who embodied the “opposite of loneliness” would be sociable, affable, friendly. The kind of person who makes you feel at ease when you converse with him or her. But once again, this definition breaks down, because it remains on the surface.

What means conclude?

to say in conclusion: At the end of the speech he concluded that we had been a fine audience. to bring to a decision or settlement; settle or arrange finally: to conclude a treaty. to determine by reasoning; deduce; infer: They studied the document and concluded that the author must have been an eyewitness.

What is another word for exhausted?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for exhausted, like: fatigued, tired, drained, finished, debilitated, weak, wearied, empty, depleted, refreshed and used.

What are two synonyms for exhausted?

beatdog tired.exhausted.fatigued.kaput.wearied.weary.worn out.