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How did the Benin plaques end up in Britain?

How did the Benin plaques end up in Britain?

When Portuguese traders arrived in Benin in the 1400s they brought brass bracelets, known as manillas, to exchange for pepper, ivory and slaves. The artists of Benin transformed this European brass into plaques to decorate the oba’s palace.

How did the Benin bronzes get to the British Museum?

How did the objects come to the British Museum? By the end of the 19th century, the Nigerian coast and its trade were largely dominated by the British. It is in the context of this emerging colonial power that the Benin Bronzes came to the British Museum.

How were the Benin plaques made?

There are also pieces made of mixtures of bronze and brass, of wood, of ceramic, and of ivory, among other materials. The metal pieces were made using lost-wax casting and are considered among the best sculptures made using this technique.

What do the decorative brass plaques from Benin tell us about the Obas who commissioned them?

What do the decorative brass plaques from Benin tell us about the obas who commissioned them? The obas displayed them to illustrate the Benin political system. hierarchic scale.

Who stole the Benin bronzes?

The tiger king and what the British stole The story of the man they stole it from is one of power, blood, and a legacy still felt today. There has been talk of loaning the bronzes back to Nigeria as far back as the 1970s.

What culture created the plaque showing the Oba holding leopards?


What animal is at the feet of the Oba?


What is the reason for the inclusion of mudfish and leopards in the plaque showing the Oba holding leopards?

What is the reason for the inclusion of mudfish and leopards in the plaque showing the Oba holding leopards? They demonstrate the king’s kinship with the gods of water and his rule over nature.

What criteria did the Aztecs use to evaluate artistic quality?

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what criteria did the Aztecs use to evaluate artistic quality? whether it resembled art by a neighboring people
why might some viewers prefer other portraits to self portrait in a straw hat? it seems to lack an innovative approach to portraiture
dawn marie shy glance has obvious? sincerity

How do artists create different gradations of black when they draw with charcoal?

How did Rembrandt lighten previously shaded areas in ” Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well”? He applied white gouache. How do artists create different gradations of black when they draw with charcoal? Artists can smudge, blur, and erase.

Why is it difficult to determine the cash value of artworks in museums?

Why is it difficult to determine the cash value of artworks in museums? They are outside the marketplace system and most will never be sold. What distinguishes analysis from factual information or evaluation when writing about a work of art? Analysis considers how different elements work together.

Why can artists achieve both controlled and accidental blending with acrylics?

Its versatility allowed artists to work more slowly and make changes. Why can artists achieve both controlled and accidental blending with acrylics? Water is the vehicle and contributes to translucency.

Which factor made Henry Moore’s drawings of World War II London Tube refugees so compelling?

Which factor made Henry Moore’s drawings of World War II London Tube refugees so compelling? He suppressed details of personal appearance to create a scene of stoic human endurance.

What is the original meaning of a cartoon as used by art professionals?

the original meaning of cartoon, still used by art professional, is a full sized drawing made as a guide for a large work in another medium, particularly a fresco painting, mosaic, or tapestry. In making the final work, artists often use such cartoons as overlay for tracing.

What is the oldest cartoon?


Why is it called cartoon?

So cartoon began in Italian as the word for the material on which a drawing is made, then became the word for the drawing itself. Next it came to mean a comic drawing, a series of drawings, or animation.

What does Cartoon mean?

1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco) 2a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor a political cartoon. b : comic strip. 3 : animated cartoon.

Is cartoony a real word?

To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature. To make humorous or satirical drawings. [French carton, drawing, from Italian cartone, pasteboard; see carton.] car·toon′ish, car·toon′y adj.

What are cartoons called in Japan?


What is anime called in China?


Is SpongeBob an anime?

Before becoming a full production, the series initially originated as two “The SpongeBob SquarePants Anime Openings”, both uploaded onto YouTube between 2017-2018. It was after both videos got widespread critical acclaim that the creator announced that he’ll be producing a SpongeBob SquarePants Anime Series.

Which is the best cartoon in world?

Best cartoons for kids

  • Rugrats.
  • Dexter’s Lab.
  • The Magic School Bus.
  • Doc McStuffins.
  • Sofia the First.
  • Vampirina.
  • Tom and Jerry.
  • Scooby-Doo. For those kids who are looking for a bit of mystery and a few scares, Scooby-Doo is the way to go.