How did the townspeople feel about Janie going out with tea cake?

How did the townspeople feel about Janie going out with tea cake?

How did the townspeople feel about Janie going out with Tea Cake? They thought he was trying to take advantage of her. Tea-cake met her at the train and took her to the preachers house, where they got married.

What is Janie’s reaction to tea cake gambling?

While Janie was tending to Tea Cake’s wound, she found herself crying hysterically and as he drifted off to sleep, Janie was overwhelmed with a “self-crushing love” (Hurston 128). It is said that traumatic events strengthen the ties within relationships.

What does Janie mean when she says tea cake is a glance from God and has done taught me de Maiden language all over?

When Janie says that Tea Cake is a glance from God and has taught her the maiden language all over, she is referring to the way he makes her feel. He makes her feel like the days before Logan and Jody when she was living in her youth enjoying the world and nature at its purest.

Why is Janie selling the store instead of living there with tea cake?

Sam Watson says that the reason Tea Cake is spending money on Janie is because he is just wanting to ruin all the hard work Joe Starks had done. Janie decided to sell the store because she didn’t want to keep it anymore and she knew that Tea Cake wasn’t cut out to run the store.

How does Janie define freedom in her new life?

Janie defines her desire for freedom by asserting control of her own body. She begins uncover all of the life that had been resting silently below the surface.

How did Nanny influence Janie?

Nanny and her daughter have both had difficult lives. Her greatest desire is a better life for Janie and for Janie to have a voice. Nanny thinks that marriage to a respected man who owns his own land will give this to Janie. He is Janie’s first husband, an older man that Nanny arranges for Janie to marry.

Why did Janie marry Logan?

Why did Janie marry Logan Killicks? She discovered that marriage did not make love.

What happened to Janie’s mother at age 17?

What happened to Janie’s mother at age 17? What happened as a result? She was raped. Janie was born.