How do I impress my employer on a resume?

How do I impress my employer on a resume?

Here are 7 strategies that work:Be concise. Don’t use 10 words when 3 will do and don’t pepper your resume with big words because they sound impressive. Drop the cliches. Stick to the facts. Show a little personality. Write a profile that summarizes the important facts. Focus on Your Impact. Give them proof.

What is the best site to post a resume?

11 best resume posting sitesIndeed. Indeed is by far the largest job board in the United States and many other countries. Monster. Monster would currently take the number two spot for popular job search sites. CareerBuilder. Glassdoor. ZipRecruiter. The Muse. Craigslist. USAJobs.

Where can I post my resume for free?

To help job seekers kickstart their hunt, the ZipJob Team compiled the following list of the top sites to post your resume online for free:Indeed.Monster.CareerBuilder.Glassdoor.Ziprecruiter.TheMuse.Craigslist.USA Jobs.

Is it good to post your resume online?

Many employers search for new candidates and post job descriptions on online job boards. If you’re new to online resumes, you may wonder if it is safe to upload your resume to Indeed or if your personal information will be viewable. The short answer is that it is safe.