How do I stop rabbits from eating my marigolds?

How do I stop rabbits from eating my marigolds?

3. Use plants that repel rabbits in your garden

  1. marigolds – planted all around your garden will create a rabbit barrier (they hate the smell of the marigolds)
  2. spicy globe basil – keep the bunnies out and make lots of pesto throughout the summer.
  3. Christmas basil also works well.
  4. onions.
  5. leeks.
  6. lavender.
  7. mint.
  8. oregano.

Will rabbits eat marigold plants?

Rabbits prefer young, tender shoots and are particularly fond of lettuce, beans, and broccoli. Flowers they like to nibble include gazanias, marigolds, pansies, and petunias.

Do rabbits dislike marigolds?

They Don’t Work In reality, marigolds don’t repel rabbits, deer or any other animals from gardens, said horticultural experts at Iowa State University and Texas A&M University. Rabbits may actually eat marigolds while deer simply ignore them.

How do I keep rabbits from eating my flowers naturally?

To discourage pesky rabbits, try dusting your plants with plain talcum powder. Since rabbits are great sniffers, powdered red pepper sprinkled around the garden or on targeted plants may keep them out. Irish Spring soap shavings placed in little drawstring bags around the garden will also help to keep rabbits away.

What is eating my marigolds at night?

Slugs. Slugs eat large holes in mature marigold leaves and will completely devour young plants. You won’t commonly see slugs feeding on your marigolds because slugs are nocturnal, but you may see the slime trails they leave behind. Wait until after dark and, with a flashlight, pick off the slugs.

What is eating my marigolds plants?

Your marigold plants are being eaten by insects, birds, or animals that are attracted to them. This includes aphids, slugs, snails, spider mites, thrips, birds, rabbits, squirrels, deer, mice. Some diseases like verticillum wilt, Botrytis blight, and root rot can also cause the plant to lose foliage and buds.

What eats marigolds in garden?

What do marigold flowers repel?

Marigolds – The marigold is probably the most well-known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well.

Do coffee grounds keep rabbits away?

Coffee is an environmentally friendly way to repel unwanted insects and animals in the garden. The smell of the coffee repels snails, slugs and ants. You may also have success using coffee grounds to repel mammals, including cats, rabbits and deer.

What animals like to eat marigolds?

What Animals Eat Marigolds? (5 Possibilities to Consider)

  • 1 – Birds. Here’s an interesting one: birds don’t actually like to eat marigolds.
  • 2 – Slugs. One of the marigold’s biggest predators is the slug.
  • 3 – Rabbits. Rabbits are another natural predator to the marigold.
  • 4 – Grasshoppers.
  • 5 – Diseases.

What flowers rabbits won’t eat?

One of the showier late summer flowers rabbits won’t eat is the gold-petalled Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta). It is drought-tolerant and has very tough, hairy stems and leaves. Many sunflowers (Heliopsis spp.) are similarly raspy leaved and resistant to rabbits, as is Blanket-flower (Gaillardia spp.)

What flowers do rabbits dislike?

Plants that rabbits dislike include lavender, penstemon, artemesia, hyssop, sages, shasta daisy, gaillardia, common butterfly bush, blue mist spirea and columbine. “A lot of them I find are going to have gray, fuzzy foliage,” McMillan says. An Echter’s handout also lists plants that deer tend to avoid.

What flowers repel rabbits?

While hummingbird mint attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, its fragrant leaves repel rabbits. Another rabbit-resistant sun lover is Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum), hardy in USDA zones 5 through 8.

Will marigolds deter rabbits?

Specific varieties of marigolds are reported to repel destructive pests like nematodes and Mexican bean beetles, but marigolds alone should never be relied upon to protect gardens from pests. Some of the most fragrant marigolds deter deer and rabbits, but only if they have other suitable forage.