How do you answer what do you hope to gain from this course?

How do you answer what do you hope to gain from this course?

How to answer, “What do you hope to gain from this experience?”Explain what first interested you about the job. Discuss your motivation. Describe how the position aligns with your career goals. Be realistic and grounded in your answers.

What do you hope to gain from your studies?

Here are four things that students should look to gain from their college experience:People skills. There is perhaps nothing more vital to a student’s future success than learning how to analyze people. Exposure to multicultural activities. The ability to work in high pressure situations. Analytical/problem solving skills.

What do you hope to gain from this internship?

There are many things you can gain from an internship: additional skills and education, networking opportunities, mentorship, etc. Don’t simply state, I’m hoping to fulfill my requirement for my major. Instead, tell the employer what you hope you’ll learn. Do you want to know more about the industry?

What to put on an application for when you can start?

So taking those needs into consideration, frame your answer like this:I am available to start whenever you need me to start, including tomorrow.I need (or would greatly appreciate) a few days (or a week or two) to clear the decks before I start, but I can be flexible if you need me before then.

How do you respond to availability?

Examples of the Best AnswersI am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about the start and end times on those days. I’m available during school hours while my children are at school, 9 am – 3 pm, Monday through Friday. I’m flexible and available just about any time you need me to work.

How do you say I am ready to work?

ready to work / synonymseager to work. phr.keen to work. phr.raring to go. phr.ready for duty. go. phr.cleared for duty. phr.ready for work. phr.get ready for work. phr.

How do you answer salary expectations?

You can try to skirt the question with a broad answer, such as, “My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.” Or, “If this is the right job for me, I’m sure we can come to an agreement on salary.” This will show that you’re willing to negotiate. Offer a range.

What should you put for desired salary?

What to Put for Desired Salary on Job Applications. The best way to answer desired salary or salary expectations on a job application is to leave the field blank or write ‘Negotiable’ rather than providing a number. If the application won’t accept non-numerical text, then enter “999,” or “000”.

What kind of salary you are looking for?

The most direct reply is to tell them exactly what you want within the range that seems reasonable based on your research. You say: “What I’m really looking for is something in the range of $70,000 to $75,000.

How much salary do you expect best answer?

By aiming higher, you can make sure that, even if they offer the lowest number, you’ll still be making your target number. For example, if you want to make $45,000, don’t say you’re looking for a salary between $40,000 and $50,000. Instead, give a range of $45,000 to $Nov 2020

What is your most significant achievement example?

‘My greatest achievement’ examples could include:Giving a great presentation at work.Beating sales targets.Training for and completing a marathon.Organizing a successful charity event.Mentoring a coworker or fellow student.

What level of salary are you seeking?

The most direct reply is to tell them exactly what you want within the range that seems reasonable based on your research. You say: “What I’m really looking for is something in the range of $70,000 to $Jan 2016

Should you give a salary range?

A good rule of thumb is to keep the lower end of your range at least 10 percent above your current salary, or the number you determine is a reasonable salary for the position. For example, if you currently earn $50,000, you may say that your range is $55,000 to $65,000.

How do you handle working with people who annoy you?

Here are seven ways to handle your most irritating co-workers:Maintain a positive attitude.Find a common interest.Try to ignore their flaws.Kill them with kindness.Politely reject their attention.Be assertive.

How do you politely ignore a coworker?

How to Politely Avoid a Negative CoworkerDon’t engage. You don’t have to completely ignore or avoid your negative coworker in order to not engage with her. Be honest. Honesty is always the best policy. Stay in a group. Ever heard of the expression, power in numbers? Be the happiest person you know.

How do you respond to a micromanaging coworker?

Here are some techniques that can help:Stay calm. It can be frustrating and upsetting to be told what to do or have someone take over for you. Be direct.Don’t take it personally. Just ignore them. Set healthy boundaries. Seek additional support. Lead by example.