How do you answer Wie Gehts in German?

How do you answer Wie Gehts in German?

The following are acceptable answers to the question Wie geht es Ihnen? (How are you?): Danke, gut. (dân-ke, gooht.) (Thanks, I’m fine.) or Gut, danke.

How do you respond to Wie gehts dir?

Question: “Wie geht es dir?” The grammatical correct answer would be: Mir geht es gut. It’s more easy to understand if you try a more formal English translation: “How are you feeling?” “I am feeling good.”

Can you just say Danke?

3 Answers. “Danke” is perfectly fine and just as good as “danke schön”. If you hear predominantly the latter then that may be a regional preference. If you want to strengthen it a bit, you can say “vielen Dank”, and if you actually want to thank someone you can use a full sentence like “ich danke Ihnen/dir”.

What’s the difference between Danke and danke schon?

“Danke” means thank you. “Schön” means beautiful or nice, it depends of the context. So “Danke schön” means thank you very much. Both (Danke and Danke schön) are often used in German.

Is Danke Dutch or German?

It’s not impolite, but not formal either, and is the most widely used Dutch phrase by far. Dank is pronounced as written, but je sounds like “ya.”…Saying Thank You in Dutch.

Expressions of Thanks Quick Reference
Dank je Thank you (informal)
Dank u Thank you (formal)
Bedankt Thank you (no distinction)

What is hello in Flemish?

Welkom. Hello (General greeting) Hey.

How do you say hello in Amsterdam?

Hello and Other Greetings

  1. Hallo (“HAH low”)—Hello. Universal greeting for hello (and by far the easiest to say).
  2. Hoi (“hoy”)—Hi. Used more often with people you know.
  3. Goedemorgen (“KHOO duh MORE khen”)—Good morning.
  4. Goedenmiddag (“KHOO duh midakh”)—Good afternoon.
  5. Goedenavond (“KHOO dun AH fohnt”)—Good evening.

How do you say goodnight in Dutch?

Slaap wel. Good night., Sleep well!