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How do you find the answer of a passage?

How do you find the answer of a passage?

How to Attempt Comprehension Passages?

  1. Do not use outside knowledge.
  2. Make logical guesses.
  3. Review the Answer at least twice.
  4. Always read the instructions carefully.
  5. Always go through the questions first.

How do you handle a difficult deposition question?

How to Handle a Deposition: Advice from an OMIC Defense Attorney

  1. Tell the truth. This is more than a copybook maxim; it is a rule of self-preservation for witnesses.
  2. Think before you speak.
  3. Answer the question.
  4. Do not volunteer information.
  5. Do not answer a question you do not understand.
  6. Talk in full, complete sentences.
  7. You only know what you have seen or heard.
  8. Do not guess.

How long should a deposition take?

A deposition can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hrs. If the plaintiff’s attorney doesn’t finish asking all the questions, the deponent may be called back on a later date to finish the deposition.

What happens next after a deposition?

After the deposition, the lawyers will gather and review the transcription(s), documentation, and other evidence from the discovery period. Then, they will try to build a case based on what was revealed. At this point, it may become clear that a trial will only harm their client and they’ll push for a settlement.

Do you legally have to give a deposition?

When you receive a subpoena to give a deposition, you are being ordered by the court to participate. In this circumstance, you have no choice but to oblige. Refusing to give a deposition following a subpoena will result in serious legal consequences.

Can you ignore a deposition?

If you refuse after being ordered by the court to give a deposition, you would likely be found in contempt of court, leading to dire consequences. On top of that, you would still be forced into the deposition.

Does a deposition mean going to trial?

The deposition is part of the discovery process and may be used at trial. The discovery process is a pre-trial phase. It is a formal investigation conducted to uncover more about the case. It can also drive the opposing sides to come to a settlement without having to go to trial.

What is the point of depositions?

A deposition permits a party to explore the facts held by an individual or an entity bearing on the case at hand. Depositions occur well before trial and allow the party taking the deposi- tion to learn the facts held by the other side and third parties.

Do you get paid for deposition?

According to the California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP), a party who deposes an expert witness “shall pay the expert’s reasonable and customary hourly or daily fee for any time spent at the deposition from the time noticed in the deposition subpoena, or from the time of the arrival of the expert witness should that …

Are both parties present at a deposition?

As a practical matter, the only people present at most depositions are the examiner, the deponent, deponent’s counsel, other parties’ counsel, the court reporter, a videographer, and an interpreter, if necessary.