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How do you find the radius of a circle?

How do you find the radius of a circle?

Divide the diameter by two. radius is always half the length of its diameter. For example, if the diameter is 4 cm, the radius equals 4 cm ÷ 2 = 2 cm.

What is the radius of a 12 circle?

≈38 and A. ≈113 . First you need to find the radius, the key term to find the radius is diameter=2⋅radius ; therefore the radius r is 122=6 inches.

How do you find the radius and diameter of a circle?

Take the circumference of a circle and divide it by Pi. For example, if the circumference is 12.56, you would divide 12.56 by 3.14159 to get 4, which is the diameter of the circle. Use the diameter to find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2. For example, if the diameter is 4, the radius would be 2.

Why is every diameter a chord?

Every diameter is a chord. This is because its endpoints lie on the circumference of the circle.

How many quadrants are there in a circle?

4 quadrants

Is the radius always half of the diameter?

The center of a circle is the midpoint of its diameter. That is, it divides it into two equal parts, each of which is a radius of the circle. The radius is half the diameter.

Why is a circle not a polygon?

A circle is not a polygon. A polygon is a closed figure on a plane formed from a finite number of lines segments connected end-to-end. As a circle is curved, it cannot be formed from line segments, as thus does not fit the conditions needed to be a polygon.

Is circle a regular shape?

Is a circle a regular shape or an irregular shape? Regular means predictable, with the fewest possible variations. So yes, a circle is about as regular as a shape can be. You can define a circle with just a center and a radius.

Is circle a closed curve?

Triangle, quadrilateral, circle, etc., are examples of closed curves. A curve which starts and ends at the same point without crossing itself is called a simple closed curve. A closed curve which does not cross itself is called a simple closed curve. The curve which crosses itself is not a simple closed curve.

What is simple closed curve?

: a closed plane curve (such as a circle or an ellipse) that does not intersect itself. — called also Jordan curve.

Which is a closed curve?

A closed curve is a curve where the beginning and end points are the same.

Is Star a closed curve?

The star, arrow, diamond, and lightning bolt do not have lines that cross. They are simple closed curves.

What’s a simple curve?

A simple curve is a curve that does not cross itself.

What is a polygonal curve?

A polygonal curve – A curve that is entirely made up of line segments. ( no arcs) A closed curve – A curve that begins and ends in the same location. A polygonal closed curve – A polygon curve that begins and ends in the same location. A simple closed curve – A closed curve that does not cross itself.

WHAT IS curve math?

Curve, In mathematics, an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point (see continuity). Such a path is usually generated by an equation. A closed curve is a path that repeats itself, and thus encloses one or more regions. Simple examples include circles, ellipses, and polygons.

What are the types of curve?

Answer: The different types of curves are Simple curve, Closed curve, Simple closed curve, Algebraic and Transcendental Curve. Question 4: Is straight line is a curve?

What is a curved shape called?

meander – a bend or curve, as in a stream or river. line – a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point. closed curve – a curve (such as a circle) having no endpoints. S-shape – a double curve resembling the letter S.

What do you call a triangle with a curved side?

In geometry, a circular triangle is a triangle with circular arc edges.

Can a side be curved?

A “side” should be defined as a straight line, or a segment that falls between 2 corners. Any curved side of a shape represents an infinite number of sides, so it would not be a triangle, but in fact an infinity-gon.

What is the shape of AFC curve?

The average fixed costs AFC curve is downward sloping because fixed costs are distributed over a larger volume when the quantity produced increases. AFC is equal to the vertical difference between ATC and AVC. Variable returns to scale explains why the other cost curves are U-shaped.

Why does AFC curve never touches the Y axis?

Average fixed cost can never touch the Y-axis because at zero output, it is infinite. AFC=TFC/Output so, TFC is a positive value at zero output and any positive value divided by zero will provide infinite value.