How do you know a compound complex sentence?

How do you know a compound complex sentence?

Example: Because the soup was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave. A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.

Is an example of an elements and is an example of a compound?

Elements, mixtures and compounds Common examples include carbon, sulfur, oxygen, iron, copper, aluminium. Elements are represented by symbols. Compounds are substances made from atoms of different elements joined by chemical bonds. Common examples are water (H2O), salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), methane (CH4).

What is the difference of elements and compounds?

Element: Pure substance consisting of one type of atom. Compound: Pure substance consisting of two or more different atoms. Mixture: Two or more different substances not chemically combined.

Is co an element?

Cobalt is a chemical element with symbol Co and atomic number 27. Classified as a transition metal, Cobalt is a solid at room temperature.

Is Co a chemical formula?

Carbon monoxide

Chemical formula CO
Molar mass 28.010 g/mol
Appearance colorless gas
Odor odorless

Is h20 a element?

BOTH are molecules, because 2 or more atoms are joined together. BUT, in these examples, only oxygen, whether it is made of 2 oxygens joined together in a molecule or only 1 oxygen is an element because it is made of only one type of atom – oxygen! H2O is not an element because it is made of 2 types of atoms – H and O.

What is formula of carbon monoxide?


What is the ratio of carbon monoxide?

Every sample of carbon monoxide contains 16.0 g of oxygen for every 12.0 g of carbon. This is a mass ratio of oxygen to carbon of 1.33 to 1. So the ratio of oxygen in the two compounds is 1:2, a small whole number ratio.

How do you detect carbon monoxide?

Other possible clues of a carbon monoxide leak include:

  1. black, sooty marks on the front covers of gas fires.
  2. sooty or yellow/brown stains on or around boilers, stoves or fires.
  3. smoke building up in rooms because of a faulty flue.
  4. yellow instead of blue flames coming from gas appliances.
  5. pilot lights frequently blowing out.

How do you neutralize CO?

This was a first: There are no known antidotes for CO poisoning. Given off by engines, heaters, and fireplaces, the tasteless, odorless gas sends more than 50,000 Americans to the emergency room—and kills approximately 500—every year.

How do you reverse CO poisoning?

The best way to treat CO poisoning is to breathe in pure oxygen. This treatment increases oxygen levels in the blood and helps to remove CO from the blood. Your doctor will place an oxygen mask over your nose and mouth and ask you to inhale.

How can CO poisoning be prevented?

CO Poisoning Prevention Tips

  1. Check or change the batteries in your CO detector every six months.
  2. Have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified technician every year.
  3. Keep vents and flues free of debris.

Does CO rise or sink?

There are three things that make carbon monoxide extremely dangerous: 1) The molecules of carbon monoxide are so small, they can easily travel through drywall; 2) Carbon monoxide doesn’t sink or rise – it mixes easily with the air inside a home; 3) It is an odorless gas, so without an alarm to notify you that it is in …

Where should I put CO detectors?

Because carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance.

Can dogs smell carbon monoxide?

Dogs aren’t able to sense or smell carbon monoxide, so they’re not able to alert their owners to its presence before it happens or when the first leak of carbon monoxide is evident, but it is true that dogs will be affected by carbon monoxide much quicker than humans.

Are plug in carbon monoxide detectors good?

Best Overall: Kidde Nighthawk Plug-In AC/DC Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector. The reliable Kidde Nighthawk is a top pick for a carbon monoxide alarm. This plug-in model features a digital reading of current carbon monoxide levels (also referred to as CO) and it’s refreshed every 15 seconds.

Can I have a one word sentence?

An imperative sentence can be as short as one word, such as: “Go.” Technically, a sentence must contain at least a subject and a verb, but in this case, the subject (you) is assumed and understood. Just remember that not every one-word phrase is really a sentence.

Which word describe you best?

Positive words to describe yourself

  1. Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  2. Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  3. Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  4. Energetic. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
  5. Experience.
  6. Flexible.
  7. Hardworking.
  8. Honest.

How do you know a compound complex sentence?

How do you know a compound complex sentence?

If two clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction, it’s a compound sentence. If two clauses are connected with a subordinating conjunction, it’s a complex sentence.

What is simple compound and complex sentences?

A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause.

Do all compound sentences have commas?

A compound sentence must have two independent clauses – not just two verbs, two nouns, or two groups of words that are not independent clauses. The second verb group does NOT have a subject; thus, it is NOT an independent clause. Therefore, NO comma belongs before and.

What is simple and compound statement?

A simple statement is one that does not contain another statement as a component. These statements are represented by capital letters A-Z. A compound statement contains at least one simple statement as a component, along with a logical operator, or connectives.

What do you mean by compound statement?

A compound statement (also called a “block”) typically appears as the body of another statement, such as the if statement. Declarations and Types describes the form and meaning of the declarations that can appear at the head of a compound statement.

What is the use of Compound statement?

A compound statement is simply a group of statements surrounded by curly braces. It can be used anywhere that a simple statement can be used to make a group of statements into a single entity. In the example above, the three assignment statements form a compound statement because they are enclosed in the curly braces.

Is conjunction A compound statement?

Summary: A conjunction is a compound statement formed by joining two statements with the connector “and.” The conjunction “p and q” is symbolized by p q. A conjunction is true when both of its combined parts are true; otherwise it is false.

What is compound statement in DMS?

Also known as conjunction. The truth value of the compound statement is true if and only if both of the consisting statements are true. It is represented by the symbol Λ

How do you negate a compound statement?

Negating a Conjunction (and) and a Disjunction (or): The negation of a conjunction (or disjunction) could be as simple as placing the word “not” in front of the entire sentence. Conjunction: p ∧ q – “Snoopy wears goggles and scarves.” ∼(p ∧ q) – “It is not the case that Snoopy wears goggles and scarves.”

What is if and if else statement?

The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed. Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false. Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false.

What is a quantified statement examples?

sets, or, equivalently, x, P(x) ↔ Q(x).  Example:  “Some snowflakes are the same.”  Its negation is: “No snowflakes are the same” ≡ “All snowflakes are different.”  Converse: x D, if Q(x) then P(x).

How do you know a compound complex sentence?

How do you know a compound complex sentence?

If two clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction, it’s a compound sentence. If two clauses are connected with a subordinating conjunction, it’s a complex sentence.

What does a complex sentence look like?

A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. This means that the clauses are not equal, they use a co-ordinating conjunction that changes the rank of one or more of the clauses to make it less equal. For example; My Dad laughed when I told a joke.

What is common compound?

Examples of Compounds – Common Compounds The following Examples of Compounds shows some of the most common compounds and their chemical formulas or equations. H2O: Water. C6H12O6: Glucose. C2H6O: Alcohol. NaCl: Salt.

Can a compound be broken down?

A compound is a substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. The elements carbon and hydrogen combine to form many different compounds. However, it is not an element because it can be broken down into simpler substances – carbon and hydrogen.

What is the smallest unit of a compound?


What is the difference between an element and a compound?

Elements are substances that are made from one type of atom. An element cannot be broken down into any other substance. Compounds are substances made from atoms of different elements joined by chemical bonds. They can only be separated by a chemical reaction.

What are the similarities and differences between a compound and a molecule?

A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. A compound is a substance which is formed by two or more different types of elements which are united chemically in a fixed proportion. All molecules are not compounds. All compounds are molecules.

Which molecule is the smallest?

The smallest molecule is diatomic hydrogen (H2), with a bond length of 0.74 angstroms.

What is the largest molecule?

The aptly named titin weighs in at a molecular weight of 3 million and consists of a continuous chain of 27,000 amino acids, making it 20 to 50 times larger than the average-size protein. Like the Titans of Greek mythology, titin is known not only for its size but for its strength.

What is the smallest to largest molecule?

Place in order from smallest to largest: Proton, carbonic acid, glucose, atom, triglyceride, sodium chloride, amino acid, electron, hydrogen gas, and protein.

Which list goes from smallest to largest?

The levels, from smallest to largest, are: molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere.

Is an atom smaller than DNA?

A nanometer is 10 times smaller than the width of your DNA, and 10 times bigger than the size of an atom. Even though nanoscale is very small, it is at least 109 or 1,000,000,000 times bigger than a quark. Quarks are really, really, really small.

What is larger than a cell?

Tissues are groups of cells that perform a common function, such as skeletal muscle tissue or fat tissue. They are therefore larger than cells. Organisms are made up of organs which are made up of tissues, and are therefore larger than tissues. Population, organism, tissue, cell, organelle, molecule.

What are the levels of organization of the human body from smallest to largest?

It is convenient to consider the structures of the body in terms of fundamental levels of organization that increase in complexity, such as (from smallest to largest): chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and an organism.

Is a cell or an atom bigger?

Cells are bigger than atoms. Just as atoms have smaller parts called protons, neutrons, and electrons, cells have smaller parts, too.

Is a cell bigger than a chromosome?

Chromosomes tend to be smaller than cells or nuclei, and genes are parts of chromosomes.