How do you know if a compound is complex or simple?

How do you know if a compound is complex or simple?

A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought.

  1. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.
  2. A COMPOUND SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined by.
  3. A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause.

Which sentence from the passage is complex?

I believe the correct answer would be D. The complex sentence would be “The panther crept into a cave because it was afraid.” A complex sentence would be a sentence that contains an independent and an dependent clause.

What are compound complex words?

A WORD whose structure is both COMPLEX and COMPOUND: hot-bloodedness, in which there are two base words, hot and blood, and two suffixes, -ed and -ness; biographical, in which there are two combining forms, bio- and -graph and a composite suffix -ical.

What is a compound subject and verb?

When a sentence has two or more subjects, that’s called a compound subject. The individual subjects are joined by a coordinating conjunction (like and, or, neither, or nor). When the subjects are joined by “and,” the verb agrees with the pronoun “they.”

What is the difference between a simple sentence and a compound sentence?

A simple sentence contains one independent clause. A compound sentence contains more than one! Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.

What is a main operator in logic?

If a sentence has only one logical operator, then that is the main operator. If a sentence has more than one logical operator, then the main operator is the one outside the parentheses. If a sentence has two logical operators outside the parentheses, then the main operator is not the negation.

What are some examples of logical operators?

Logical Operators in C

Operator Description Example
&& Called Logical AND operator. If both the operands are non-zero, then the condition becomes true. (A && B) is false.
|| Called Logical OR Operator. If any of the two operands is non-zero, then the condition becomes true. (A || B) is true.