How do you reply to a thread on blackboard?

How do you reply to a thread on blackboard?

Replying to a Thread and Post

  1. Enter a new subject, or leave unchanged.
  2. Click the Show More ( ) button if you cannot see all of the tools in the Toolbar Area.
  3. Then enter your reply in the message area.
  4. Include attachments if allowed and desired.
  5. Click Submit.

How do I post to a thread on blackboard?

To Start a Thread:

  1. If not already selected, select the Discussion Board you wish to modify.
  2. Click on the title of the forum you want to add a thread to.
  3. Click the Create Thread button. .
  4. Enter the title of the message in the subject field.
  5. Enter conversation text in the message field.

What is a threaded reply?

When you look at a discussion thread, any replies are indented so you can tell who has replied. Any replies to those replies are typically indented another level deep. So, it’s a way of easily telling who people are replying to in discussion topics.

How do you reply to a comment in a threaded discussion?

  1. Open the threaded discussion.
  2. If you have multiple posts in the threaded discussion, click on post you want to reply to.
  3. To reply directly to a topic, click.
  4. To respond to a comment from a student or from someone else, click Show More beside the comment to expand it.
  5. Type your post in the Visual Editor.

How do you write a discussion reply?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]

  1. Do your homework.
  2. Read prompts carefully.
  3. Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective.
  4. Be relevant.
  5. Bring something unique to the post.
  6. Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post.
  7. Leave participants wanting more.

What is allow threaded replies in canvas?

Focused discussions only allow for two levels of nesting, the original post and subsequent replies. Threaded discussions allow for infinite levels of nesting. Focused discussions are relatively short-lived interactions, while threaded discussions allow replies within replies and may last for a longer period of time.

How do I participate in a canvas discussion?

Participate in a Discussion

  1. Discussions allow you to have conversations online.
  2. You can access a discussion from the Modules index page, the Course Navigation page if it has the Discussions link, the Assignments page, the Calendar, or the Syllabus.
  3. To enter your response to a discussion prompt, click the Reply link [1].

How do you reply to a discussion on canvas?

Click the title of the Discussion to open the Discussion topic. To reply to the main discussion, type your reply in the Reply field. Write your response in the Rich Content Editor.

How can discussions enhance student learning in canvas?

Discussions can help you:

  1. Foster collaboration among your students.
  2. Assess incremental learning.
  3. Provide deeper engagement between your students and course content.
  4. Make advanced content more accessible.
  5. Create learning communities within your classroom.
  6. Conduct peer reviews and track feedback.

How do you reply to a comment in a threaded discussion in canvas?

To reply to the main discussion, type your reply in the Reply field.

How do you respond to someone’s discussion post?

Validate the post by sharing your experience and stating how it relates to the course material or to the initial post. Agree or disagree with the post and explain why you agree or disagree. Expand on your classmate’s post to demonstrate that you understand the topic.

What is a thoughtful response?

A thoughtful response is a response that is “full of thought.” In other words, it clearly demonstrates that some careful thought went into to the writing of the response.

How do I reply to a discussion post on D2L?

Reply to Discussion thread in D2L Brightspace

  1. Log in to D2L Brightspace.
  2. Click on the course in which you’d like to access.
  3. Click on Communication and then Discussions from the main navigation menu.
  4. From the Discussions List, click on the Topic you’d like to reply to.
  5. Click on the thread you want to reply to.
  6. Click Reply to Thread.
  7. Enter your reply.
  8. Click Post.

What is the difference between writing a paper and a discussion post?

Writing a paper is you simply telling people what you believe or think, giving or stating your position or where you stand on a particular subject matter while writing a discussion post is you sharing your opinion or believes with other people and requesting or seeking for their own opinion or believe back in return.

What initial post means?

An initial post is your first response to a question posed by the instructor. Answer the question. Do this first if possible. Provide a clear answer to the question (incorporating some of the wording of the question in your answer if possible).

What does initial discussion mean?

An initial discussion refers to the process of reviewing information to decide on a plan of action. The information from the initial discussion will help us make the most appropriate recommendations.

How long should a discussion post be?

If your discussion post is more than 2–3 paragraphs in length, consider editing it down. Many people find that this process of crafting good discussion messages helps them improve their writing considerably. Most important, please post within the designated deadline.

What is a discussion board post?

A discussion board is a “space” where students can further delve into classroom content. It can promote collaboration, and offer individuals room to explore topics, issues, and/or questions.

What is the purpose of discussion boards?

The ultimate goal of a discussion board assignment is to get students talking to each other. But instructors rethinking their discussion boards emphasize that they play an active role throughout the process. Some students might be shy or reluctant to participate early on.

How do you make a discussion board?

QUICK STEPS: creating forums

  1. On the main Discussion Board page, on the Action Bar, click Create Forum.
  2. On the Create Forum page, type a Name.
  3. Optionally, type instructions or a description in the Description text box.
  4. Under Forum Availability, select the Yes option.
  5. Select Forum Settings.
  6. Click Submit.

How do you use a discussion board?

We offer the following suggestions for making good use of discussion boards.

  1. Set up and use the boards early.
  2. Ask open-ended questions.
  3. Vary the group size.
  4. Vary the response form.
  5. Encourage students to engage in conversation in their responses to each other.
  6. Encourage students who need it most.

Does Google classroom have a discussion board?

Google Classroom – The Google Classroom question feature allows teachers to have their own version of an online discussion board. Simply ask a question and students can begin having a discussion online. Students can insert comments on the slides of other students to respond.

How do discussion boards work in canvas?

Teachers can use the Discussion Board in their course to let students talk back and forth about various topics. You can post text, video and audio, as well as files depending on how your teacher set up each topic. We’ve set up a few example discussions you can go right ahead and post into.

How do you indent on canvas discussion?

Option 1

  1. Highlight the citation, then click the Format tab.
  2. Select Align & Indent.
  3. Select Indentation Options.
  4. Use the Special drop-down menu to select “Hanging”

Can students see each other’s work in Google Classroom?

As the teacher, locate your assignment folder in GDrive. Right click and open sharing options. Choose OFF, then SAVE. This way, my students can only see their own work and no one else’s.

What is the best way to communicate with an individual student in Google Classroom?

In addition to assigning and grading work, Google Classroom allows you to communicate with students via email. It’s also possible for parents and guardians to receive email summaries to keep them informed of current and upcoming events.