How do you say 3rd in German?

How do you say 3rd in German?

dritte (dri-te) (third)

What number is Treize in English?

From To Via
• treize → thirteen ↔ Dreizehn
• treize → thirteen ↔ dreizehn

What does ser and estar mean?

Ser is from the Latin word esse, meaning “essence.” Ser is also a noun that means “life” or “human being. Estar is from the Latin verb stare, “to stand.” Estar describes a noun’s current state of being: its temporary, changeable qualities. It focuses on the present: how the subject feels or appears today.

What does Aye mean from a girl?

Aye simply means yes, so it can be used anywhere an affirmative reaction is due. You can say it if you agree with what your friend said. But it’s usually used in formal settings such as someone receiving an order from their superior, or as a funny comeback to someone acting like your superior.

Is saying aye rude?

“Och aye the noo!” Its direct English translation is “Oh yes, just now”. And, while some Scots may chuckle along with you, it is considered quite offensive by others. For the record, it is not even something you’ll generally hear the locals say.

Is Aye a real word?

: yes entry 1 sense 1 Aye, aye, sir. : a yes vote or voter The ayes outnumber the nays.

Why do Navy say aye?

ANSWER: Aye Aye a reply to a command or order the Navy, meaning “I understand and will obey.” A Navy response indicating that an order has been received, is understood, and will be carried out immediately. It differs from yes, which, in standard usage, could mean simple agreement without any intention to act.

What country says aye?

“Aye” is still in general usage in the North of England and in Scotland. It’s also still the formal term for “Yes” in a vote in the UK Parliament – votes are tallied as “Ayes” and “Noes”.

Is Aye Scottish or Irish?

‘Aye’ is Scottish. ‘Aye’ is said alot in Northern Ireland due to the Scottish that live there. Alot of Irish nationalists also say it but only because they have picked it up rather than it being apart of there Irish culture.