How do you say can you please repeat in French?

How do you say can you please repeat in French?

Translation of “can you repeat please?” in French. pouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plaît ? Can you repeat please? Pouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plait ?

What is could you repeat that in French?

Pouvez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît ? Please can you repeat that?

Can you repeat again this?

Here are some general phrases you can use to ask someone, politely, to repeat what they said: Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said. Can you say that again? Could you repeat what you just said for me, I didn’t understand.

What is the meaning of repeat?

To repeat is to do or say something over again: to repeat a question, an order. To recapitulate is to restate in brief form, to summarize, often by repeating the principal points in a discourse: to recapitulate an argument.

What is it called when you repeat something over and over?

Palilalia is defined as the repetition of the speaker’s words or phrases, often for a varying number of repeats. Palilalic repetitions are often spoken with decreasing volume and speed up over time.

What does Palilalia mean?

Palilalia is the delayed repetition of words or phrases (Benke & Butterworth, 2001; Skinner, 1957) and is emitted by individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.

What do you call someone who keeps repeating themselves?

Echolalia is a psychiatric term that’s used to describe what some people with mental disorders or autism tend to do, automatically repeat what they hear other people say. The word echolalia combines the Greek word for “resound, or echo,” with lalia, or “speech.”

What disease makes you repeat yourself?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one’s ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on “repeat” or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge.

What causes Palilalia?

Basal ganglia involvement has been suggested as the cause of some cases of palilalia. Palilalia can be seen in untreated schizophrenic patients, in paramedian thalamic damage, in the later stages of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease,28,29 and during electrical stimulation of left hemisphere sites.

Why people say the same thing over and over?

Repeating may be done to assuage a fear. Someone may repeat saying the same thing over and over because they were are worried the person they’re speaking to didn’t understand. So, the fear of being misunderstood in this case is the obsession, and the repeating is the compulsion.

Why do I repeat myself when talking?

If you mean that you repeat yourself when speaking with others, you may be trying to think through issues that you have not yet finalized your opinion about. It is common to talk out loud about problems as one tries to sort them out. It could also mean that you have some social anxiety.

What does it mean when someone keeps repeating themselves?

The person’s repetitive questions may suggest both a need for information and an emotional need. Repeated stories often represent highly significant memories. The person may repeat themselves because they want to communicate and cannot find anything else to say. The person might be bored and under-occupied.

Why do people repeat themselves multiple times in a conversation?

The reason why they repeat themselves more and more often is because the past becomes more prominent in their minds than the future, and the more they talk about the past, the more they remember it. This additional time gives us a chance to view our past with distance and some perspective.

How do I stop being repetitive?

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  1. Read or listen to your book out loud.
  2. Avoid overused words.
  3. Use a thesaurus.
  4. Rotate your characters’ names for pronouns.
  5. Repetition isn’t only about words. Think sentence variation.
  6. Sometimes it’s okay to use the same word.
  7. Do this now:

What does it mean when a guy repeats your words?

If a man is mirroring your words it means he feels close to you or wants to be closer to you. His mirroring of your words may indicate a romantic interest in you, or be indicative of how important you are to him. Either way, word mimicking is indicative of his feelings for you.

Do narcissists repeat themselves?

Narcissists will often tell stories about themselves — sometimes repeating the same story over and over again — and many times, the story will be about an instance of personal heroism or an exploit. But even when a story is of something negative that happened, it’ll never be the narcissist’s fault.

Why do narcissists repeat themselves over and over?

Why do narcissists often repeat the same stories and talking points over and over again as though they hadn’t already told you. because they are looking for a positive reaction, which they got before. They do not care that you’ve heard it before.

Do narcissists listen?

Narcissism is manifested in communication patterns that include habitual non-listening. Narcissists tend to do lots of talking and very little listening.

Do narcissists like to argue?

Narcissists are often ill-equipped to have mature discussions or resolve conflicts yet in their mind they are experts at it. As a result, they often use some terms, arguments, or techniques that theyve heard about yet dont really understand, all while thinking that they are being rational, reasonable, or correct.

Why do narcissists stare?

There is no single reason why a narcissist would stare at you. To attract you: : If a narcissist finds out that you enjoy being in the spotlight, they may shower you with attention in form of staring so that you become interested in them. They know that the best way to get what they want it to give you what you need.