How do you say generous in French feminine?

How do you say generous in French feminine?

How to say “Generous” in French (Généreux)

How do you say feminine in French funny?

The French translation for “funny (feminine)” is amusante.

What is plural form of Genereux?

Adjective. généreux (feminine singular généreuse, masculine plural généreux, feminine plural généreuses) generous, kind.

What is the feminine word for Genereux?


number feminine masculine
plural généreuses
singular généreux

What is the feminine form of Paresseux?


What does the N stand for in bangs?

BANGS. Beauty Age Numbers Goodness Size (French grammar mnemonic)

What does bags stand for?


Acronym Definition
BAGS Baggage Airline Guest Services
BAGS Bombing and Air Gunnery School (various locations)
BAGS Boston Amateur Golf Society (West Roxbury, MA)
BAGS Bookmakers’ Afternoon Greyhound Service (UK)

What are the rules for adjectives in French?

In French, adjectives must agree with their noun, which means that they have to show whether they are masculine or feminine and singular or plural to match the noun.

How do you use two adjectives in French?

“Multiple Adjectives” rule: When two adjectives need to be in the same place (both before or both after), use the conjonction “et” to separate them.

What is adjectives in French?

Adjectives (les adjectifs) describe the qualities and characteristics of a noun; they describe how someone or something is. They always accompany the noun they describe, and the endings of an adjective always agree with the noun in terms of gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).

How do you know if a French verb is regular or irregular?

Some adjectives are regular and follow conventional rules depending on whether they are masculine, feminine, singular or plural. Some adjectives have different rules – they are called irregular. If you look up an adjective in the dictionary, it will always be listed in the masculine singular form, eg petit (small).

What are the three types of regular verbs in French?

In French, regular verbs are grouped into three main families — ‐ er, ‐ir, and ‐ re — because these are their endings in the infinitive form.

How do you know if it is an irregular verb?

As was stated above, you can tell if a verb is irregular by putting it in its simple past and past participle forms; if it doesn’t end with –d or –ed, then it is an irregular verb.