How do you say no to a dog in German?

How do you say no to a dog in German?

But, if you want to be able to say Er gehorcht auf Kommando (He obeys [German] commands), you need to learn the correct dog commands in German….German “Hundekommandos” (Dog Commands)

Nein! / Pfui! nyne / pfoo-ee No! / Bad dog!
Fuß! foos Heel!
Sitz! sits Sit!
Platz! plahts Down!

What is the difference between Kein and nicht?

1 Answer. Or more generally speaking, use “kein” when something is rather undetermined (uncountable nouns, indefinite article) and “nicht” for more determined things (definite article, possessive pronouns). “Kein”/”nicht” does not imply any difference in terms of length of time.

What is the difference between Kein and Nein in German?

In German, we have three possibilities to express negation. To express the English “no”, we either use “nein” (no), “nicht” (no) and “kein/e” (no). As you can easily see, all of them are translated with “no” in English and therefore it might be a bit tricky to understand when to use which.

How do you negate a sentence in German?

German Negation Nicht and kein are forms of negation, but nicht means not and kein means no, not a, or not any. Kein is used to negate nouns that either have no articles or are preceded by the indefinite article. Kein precedes the nouns in sentences. It is declined as an ein-word.

Where does nicht go in German sentences?

Nicht will be positioned right before a verb prefix in a sentence containing a separable verb. For example: Wir gehen heute nicht einkaufen. (We are not going shopping today.) Nicht will be positioned right before an infinitive or infinitives that are part of a verbal combination.

Where does Auch go in a German sentence?

When ‘Auch’ Is Accentuated This type of auch relates to the subject of the sentence and will usually be in front of a verbal group. Its meaning is “also.” For example: Mein Sohn will jetzt auch Klavier studieren. My son now also wants to study piano.