How do you say the books in French?

How do you say the books in French?

Ordonner, enjoindre quelque chose à quelqu’un….Wiktionary.

From To Via
• book → livre ↔ Buch
• book → bouquin ↔ Schmöker

What is close your book in Spanish?

Spanish Translation. cierra tu libro.

What is open your book in Spanish?

See Google Translate’s machine translation of ‘open book’….open book.

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
open book figurative (easily understood) (figurado) libro abierto loc nom m

What is called book in Spanish?

book → libreto, álbum, libro.

How do you say I read the book in Spanish?

“book” in Spanish – libro. “comic book” in Spanish – libro de cómics or cómics. “library” in Spanish – biblioteca. “bookshop” in Spanish – libreria….How to Say “to Read” in Spanish: Leer.

Spanish Pronouns English Equivalents
vosotros, vosotras you (plural informal in Spain)

What does reading a book mean in Spanish?

Spanish Translation. lee un libro. Find more words!

What is the past tense of read in Spanish?

Leer in the Preterite Tense

Subject Pronoun Preterite Tense Translation
yo leí I read
leíste You (informal) read
él, ella, usted leyó He, she, you (formal) read
nosotros/nosotras leímos We read

What is the verb to read in Spanish?

Verb Leer

What is the affirmative Tu command for leer?


Affirmative Imperative Read! lee
Negative Commands Don’t read! no leas

What does Leer mean in English?

intransitive verb. : to cast a sidelong glance especially : to give a leer Some female employees complained that they were being leered at by male employees.

What is the tu form of Limpiar?

Mode: Indicative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo limpié
Tu limpiaste
El/Ella limpió
Nosotros limpiamos

What is the tu form of Cantar?

Cantar is conjugated as a regular ar verb in the preterite tense….Cantar Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo canté
él/ella cantó
nosotros/as cantamos
vosotros/as cantasteis

What is the tu form of ver?

Ver conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Preterite
yo veo vi
ves viste
él, ella, Usted ve vio
nosotros vemos vimos

What is Limpiando?

clean up, to Verb (cleans up; cleaned up; cleaning up)

What is the past tense of clean in Spanish?

Cleaned | Conjugate Clean in English. The word cleaned is the past form of clean in the first person singular. There are other translations for this conjugation.

What formula do you use when expressing that something hurts?

[personal pronoun] + duelen + [what hurts in plural] when saying what is hurting, like you do in English: “My leg hurts”; we use articles el, la, los, las. To ask someone if something hurts, the same rule applies, you just need the question marks.

What are the 6 conjugations of IR?

  • fui.
  • fuiste.
  • él/ella/Ud. fue.
  • fuimos.
  • fuisteis.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. fueron.

What is the correct way to use IR?

How to use the Spanish verb ‘ir’ (to go)

  1. To discuss where you go regularly, eg. “Voy al colegio” (I go to school).
  2. To talk about future travel plans, eg. “Iré a la playa el viernes” (I’ll go to the beach on Friday).
  3. To talk about places you’ve visited in the past, eg.
  4. To say where you need to go today, eg.

What are the five forms of IR?

Ir conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Preterite
yo voy fui
vas fuiste
él, ella, Usted va fue
nosotros vamos fuimos

Why is IR irregular?

You should already know how to conjugate the verb estar. Notice that ir and dar follow the same pattern as estar; they are irregular in the first person singular (yo). Since these verbs are irregular, their conjugations must be memorized.

Is Dar regular or irregular?

Dar, “to give,” is one of the most common Spanish verbs and is irregular in the present tense. It’s used much like its English equivalent.

Is IR irregular in the future tense?

Only -er and -ir verbs fall into this category. To form the future with verbs in this category, simply remove the e or i from the infinitive ending, add a d, then add the simple future endings.

Is Beber regular or irregular?

Beber is a regular verb, so its conjugation is fairly simple.