How do you say toes in Hawaiian?

How do you say toes in Hawaiian?

rose in Hawaiian

  1. loke. noun. en shrub. +2 definitions. en.wiktionary2016.
  2. rose. English-Hawaiian Lexicon.

What do you call a girl from Hawaii?

The word wahine came into English in the late 18th century from Maori, the language of a Polynesian people native to New Zealand; it was originally used for a Maori woman, especially a wife. The word is also used for a woman in Hawaiian and Tahitian, though spelled “vahine” in the latter.

What does the word toes mean?

Your toes are to your feet what your fingers are to your hands. They’re the five digits you have on each foot. Tetrapod, or four-limbed animals, have toes on their feet. You can also use toe to mean the front of your shoe, or as a verb meaning “to touch with one’s foot.”

Is toeing a word?

TOEING is a valid scrabble word.

What is a good sentence for toe?

Examples of toe in a Sentence I stubbed my toe on the table’s leg. My sock has a hole in the toe. the toe of her boot the toe of the peninsula Verb She toed off her shoes. The pitcher toed the rubber.

What are the names of each toe?

The toes are, from medial to lateral:

  • The first toe, also known as the hallux (“big toe” or “great toe”), the innermost toe.
  • The second toe, or “long toe”
  • The third toe, or “middle toe”
  • The fourth toe, or “ring toe”
  • The fifth toe, or “little toe”, “pinky toe”, or “baby toe”), the outermost toe.

What is a thumb toe?

The proximal phalanx bone of each toe articulates with the metatarsal bone of the foot at the metatarsophalangeal joint. the first toe, also known as the hallux (“big toe”, “great toe”, “thumb toe”), the innermost toe; the second toe, (“Index toe”, “pointer toe”), the third toe, (“middle toe”);

What does eating toes mean?

Foot Fetishism (redirected from Sucking toes) A pronounced sexual interest in feet (or shoes), which is the most common sexual preference for otherwise non-sexual body parts.

Why is it called Murderer’s thumb?

“The Murderer’s Thumb Unveiled – The clubbed thumb was traditionally called the ‘murderer’s thumb’ denoting the powerful temper of those who carried it. This thumb has a short first phalange (section) and is broad. The tip of the thumb is fleshy and the thumbnail is short and broad.

Is Brachydactyly a disability?

Brachydactyly -mesomelia- intellectual disability -heart defects syndrome is a rare, genetic, multiple congenital anomalies/dysmorphic syndrome characterized by developmental delay , intellectual disability, thin habitus with narrow shoulders, mesomelic shortness of the arms, craniofacial dysmorphism (e.g. long lower …

Is Brachydactyly a birth defect?

Brachydactyly is an inherited, usually dominant trait. It most often occurs as an isolated dysmelia, but can also occur with other anomalies as part of many congenital syndromes. Brachydactyly can also be a signal that one will be at risk for heart problems as they age….

Specialty Medical genetics

Can you fix toe thumbs?

In extreme and very rare cases, surgery may be used to treat brachydactyly. Plastic surgery may be used for cosmetic purposes, or in rare cases, to improve functionality. Many who need surgery will have brachydactyly along with another condition. Surgery may include an osteomy, which cuts the bone.

Is Brachydactyly Type D birth defect?

Brachydactyly type D, also known as short thumb or stub thumb and inaccurately referred to as clubbed thumb, is a condition clinically recognised by a thumb being relatively short and round with an accompanying wider nail bed….

Brachydactyly type D
Specialty Medical genetics

How common is Brachydactyly?

The number of affected fingers will vary depending on the extent of the condition. A child will learn to adapt by using his or her dominant hand. Brachydactyly is not a common condition, as it occurs only in about 1 of 32,000 births.

What do long fingers mean on a girl?

WOMEN who have long index fingers on their left hands are more likely to cheat, a study has found. Being exposed to more oestrogen in the womb leads to women’s index fingers growing longer than their ring fingers, while more testosterone has a “masculinising effect”, resulting in longer ring fingers.

Why do I have toe thumbs?

More commonly referred to as “clubbed thumbs” and often comically called “toe thumbs” (delightful!), brachydactyly type D is an inherited condition in which “the end bones of the thumbs are shortened but all the fingers are normal,” according to HealthLine. You will never win a thumb wrestling match.

Are clubbed thumbs a sign of royalty?

The thumb nail is very wide and short. Clubbed thumbs are historically thought of as a sign of royalty. This rare condition was much more common in royal European blood-lines than in the general population and was used as a factor in determining the pureness of the blood.

Can you use your big toe as a thumb?

It’s not a perfect replacement. The great toe looks different than the thumb, and it functions in ways different than the thumb. And it’s not just the hand that has to heal, the foot does too. “The worst part of it was taking the toe off,” Colello said, eight months after the procedure.

What are clubbed toes?

Clubbing of the fingers or toes refers to certain physical changes to your fingernails or toenails that result from an underlying medical condition. These changes can include: widening and increased roundness of your nails. increased angle between your cuticles and nails. downward curving of your nails.

Can clubbed toes be fixed?

Only a few weeks may be needed for the onset of clubbing to occur. But after the underlying condition is treated, clubbing will resolve . There is no direct treatment for clubbing itself. Its cause can be treated, and it is usually reversible when the associated condition is treated successfully.

What do clubbed toenails look like?

Nail clubbing is a change in the structure of fingernails or toenails in which the finger and nail takes on the appearance of an upside-down spoon, and become red and sponge-like. It may occur alone or with other symptoms such as shortness of breath or coughing.

Does COPD cause clubbing?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) per se does not cause clubbing, but if clubbing is present in COPD, underlying lung cancer and bronchiectasis must be ruled out.

What does early finger clubbing look like?

Two signs are characteristic of early clubbing: the “floating nail” sign and the “profile” sign. The “floating nail” sign is easily demonstrated (Figure 44.2). Normally, the root of the nail plate lies snugly against the bone of the distal phalanx; pressure on the root produces no movement.

How do you tell if your fingernails are clubbing?

Common symptoms of clubbing:

  1. The nail beds soften. The nails may seem to “float” instead of being firmly attached.
  2. The nails form a sharper angle with the cuticle.
  3. The last part of the finger may appear large or bulging.
  4. The nail curves downward so it looks like the round part of an upside-down spoon.

Does smoking cause nail clubbing?

Alterations in the morphology, structure and growth characteristics of the nail accompany chronic cigarette smoking; yellow pigmentation of the nail plate–referred to as the “nicotine sign”–is common. The clubbed yellow nail may indicate the presence of lung cancer.

What do smokers nails look like?

“Yellow-stained nails are one of the biggest tell-tale signs that you’re a smoker or that you used to smoke. Smoking blocks oxygen to the fingernails which can also result in a yellow hue. Obviously the most important way to prevent further damage is to stop smoking; as the fingernails grow out, so will the stain.

Can you reverse clubbed fingers?

No specific treatment for clubbing is available. Treatment of the underlying pathological condition may decrease the clubbing or, potentially, reverse it if performed early enough. Once substantial chronic tissue changes, including increased collagen deposition, have occurred, reversal is unlikely.

What are the stages of clubbing?

Clubbing is present in one of five stages:

  • No visible clubbing – Fluctuation (increased ballotability) and softening of the nail bed only.
  • Mild clubbing – Loss of the normal <165° angle (Lovibond angle) between the nailbed and the fold (cuticula).
  • Moderate clubbing – Increased convexity of the nail fold.