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How do you say you are a good student in French?

How do you say you are a good student in French?

1. Tu es un bon étudiant.

How would you describe your school in French?

Let’s see how he gets to school….Describing Your School.

French English
L’école (pronounced /ay-kol/) ‘The school’
Le cours (pronounced /koor/) ‘The class’
La cour de récréation (pronounced /koor duh ray-kray-ah-seeohn/) ‘The playground’
La salle de classe (pronounced /sahl duh klas/) ‘The classroom’

What grade are you in at 16?

Grade 11

Do French students go to school on Saturday?

France. The school day in France typically runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a half day on Saturday, although students do not attend school on Wednesday or Sunday. Lunch is a two-hour break for public school students. Students usually attend school from ages 6 to 18.

How long is Korean school day?

50 minutes

How long is a school day in Canada?

The school day in elementary schools is usually from 8.30am to 3 or 3.30pm, with an hour for lunch. There are also usually two 15-minute breaks (recesses) to allow students to let off steam between classes (and to allow teachers to find the aspirin). In high schools, hours are usually from 8.30am until 2.30pm.

What grade is a 13 year old in Canada?

Canada’s grade levels compared to other countries

Starting age Canada United States
12-13 Grade 7 Grade 7
13-14 Grade 8 Grade 8
14-15 Grade 9 Grade 9
15-16 Grade 10 Grade 10

What is kindergarten called in Canada?

Elementary school: Elementary or primary school normally runs from Grades 1 to 12. In many provinces in Canada, it also includes Kindergarten. In Ontario, elementary school includes 2 years of Kindergarten—Junior Kindergarten (JK) and Senior Kindergarten (SK).

What is the best high school in Canada?

List of Best High Schools in Canada

  • Old Scona, Edmonton.
  • Rundle College, Calgary.
  • St Michael’s Choir (Sr), Toronto.
  • York House, Vancouver.
  • Crofton House , Vancouver.
  • Columbia International College, Ontario.
  • Albert College, Ontario.
  • Unionville, Unionville.

What is the Harvard of Canada?

The University of Toronto is highest-ranked Canadian institution, coming in at number twenty globally. The Montreal university is often touted as the “Harvard of Canada,” but has slipped in world rankings in recent years. It falls at number forty-three in the U.S. News release.

What is the best private school in Canada?

Most notable alumni

School Grades
1 Upper Canada College SK to 12
2 Royal St. George’s College 3 to 12
3 University of Toronto Schools 7 to 12
4 St. Andrew’s College 5 to 12

What is the hardest private school to get into?

Here’s the most recent list of the toughest schools to get into, based solely on the ratio of applications to acceptances.

  • Brown University.
  • Stanford University.
  • Yale University.
  • Duke University.
  • (TIE) Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • (TIE) Princeton University.
  • Columbia University.
  • Harvard University.

Who is the richest school in the world?

Harvard University — $38.3 Billion With a current endowment of over $38 billion, Ivy League Harvard University is the wealthiest university in the world.

Are private schools free in Canada?

School Cost Unless your child is attending private school, in which case tuition fees will apply, primary school (elementary school) and secondary school (high schools) are free in Canada, but there could be extra fees for extracurricular activities, school field trips, school supplies, or uniforms (if required).

Do private school students do better in life?

New research published by Statistics Canada has indicated the private school students tend to do better academically than their public school peers. Of course, that’s not to say that public school students cannot achieve great success in their lives–and many of them do.

Is private school worth it in Canada?

A second factor is that it is true that children who attend private schools generally have better academic outcomes than those in public schools. Whereas only about 6 per cent of Canadian children attend private schools, over a third of the top scoring schools on the Fraser rankings are private.

Are private schools worth the money?

The Bottom Line Whether or not a private school education is worth it is going to depend on your unique situation and the type of student your child is. For some people, private education will be a way to flourish academically and get into a top-notch college. For others, it can be a waste of time.

Is private school a tax write off?

Tuition is not tax-deductible In California, as in most states, private school tuition is paid by parents, without significant government support or subsidy. Private school is costly, and not generally tax-deductible.

What are the pros and cons of private school?

Private Education: Pros & Cons to Sending Your Kids to Private…

  1. 1 Pro: Gives You Kids A Competitive Edge.
  2. 2 Con: Costly.
  3. 3 Pro: Very Academic Focused.
  4. 4 Con: Not Diverse.
  5. 5 Pro: Smaller Class Sizes.
  6. 6 Con: Does Not Require Teachers To Be Certified By The State.
  7. 7 Pro: Better Technologies.
  8. 8 Con: A Lot Of Pressure.

What are the 8 elite high schools in NYC?

These schools are:

  • The Bronx High School of Science.
  • The Brooklyn Latin School.
  • Brooklyn Technical High School.
  • High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College of New York.
  • High School of American Studies at Lehman College.
  • Queens High School for the Sciences at York College.

How do you say you are a good student in French?

How do you say you are a good student in French?

1. Tu es un bon étudiant.

What is CP in French education?

After kindergarten, the young students move on to the école élémentaire (elementary school). The grades are named: CP (cours préparatoire), CE1 (cours élémentaire 1), CE2 (cours élémentaire 2), CM1 (cours moyen 1) and CM2 (cours moyen 2).

What is CP grade?

What does a CP grade mean on my transcript or result sheet? CP stands for conceded pass. For more information on grades and final results in general please see: Final results.

Is it hard to get job in France?

It’s hard to get employed in France It can be expensive to take new staff, because of the cost the company has to pay towards pensions, healthcare, and other benefits. This means that many companies have to really, really want you and know that you’ll be a good match for them to take the risk.

How can I settle in France?

Documents Required To Migrate To France

  1. A completed visa application form.
  2. A passport that is valid for at least 3 months more than the intended stay.
  3. Photocopies of the first and last page of the passport, any earlier Schengen visas and entry stamps.
  4. 2 Recent passport sized photographs.

Is France better than Spain?

In general, France has a stronger economy than Spain, and the higher cost of living translates into higher prices for visitors. This is particularly true in cities like Paris, where affordable accommodation can be hard to come by. Transportation is also more expensive in France than in Spain.

Is Spain better than UK?

Spain exceeds the UK in many respects Quality of life (work/private life balance). Quality of medical care (free services or affordable health insurance). Safety and comfort (low crime rate, gated residential complexes). Active social life (friendly local people and the British community).

Is life in Spain good?

Spain ranks as the best place in Europe for expats wanting to enjoy life, and second overall, just behind New Zealand. “Rather than living mostly in the expat bubble, experience-hungry expats look for the local culture following their move to the country,” according to the survey.

Why is Spain so cheap?

Spain has a huge area which makes land prices very low. Spain produces a huge amount of its own food and wines. Spain is warm most of the year. That makes housing and food cheap, fuel costs low and that enables lower wages to be offered.

What are the disadvantages of living in Spain?

Certainly a disadvantage to working in Spain is that you may miss your friends and family back home. Although they may not be too far away, in other words just a short flight, it can be hard and expensive to constantly be flying back especially if you have grandchildren back at home.

Does Spain have free healthcare?

The Spanish National Healthcare System (“Instituto Nacional de la Salud”), founded on Spain’s General Healthcare Act of 1986, guarantees universal coverage and free healthcare access to all Spanish nationals, regardless of economic situation or participation in the social security network.