How do you spell concert in French?

How do you spell concert in French?

We saw The Who in concert. Nous avons vu les Who en concert.

What is music concert in French?

les concert de musique noun. concert of music.

Is the French word concert masculine or feminine?


French English
3. salle de concert (feminine noun) concert hall (noun)
4. concert de bienfaisance (masculine noun) fund-raiser (noun)
5. concert de louanges (masculine noun) chorus of praise (noun)
6. concert; agir de ~ together; to act ~

Is concert feminine in French?

So, this is how you say “concert” in english….concert.

French English
3. salle de concert (feminine noun) concert hall (noun)
4. concert de bienfaisance (masculine noun) fund-raiser (noun)

What time is the concert in French?

Asking the Time in French

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il ?
Do you have the time, please? Est-ce que vous avez l’heure, s’il vous plaît ?
What time is the concert? The concert is at eight o’clock in the evening. À quelle heure est le concert ? Le concert est à huit heures du soir.

How do you say 45 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 41-50….French Numbers 41-50.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
45 quarante-cinq kuh-rawnt-sank
46 quarante-six kuh-rawnt-seese
47 quarante-sept kuh-rawnt-set
48 quarante-huit kuh-rawnt-wheet

How do say I am a student in French?

French phrase for I am a student is Je suis étudiant.

What is the student in French?

Wiktionary: student → étudiant, étudiante, élève. student → étudiant, élève, écolier, écolière.

How do you spell concert in French?

How do you spell concert in French?

We saw The Who in concert. Nous avons vu les Who en concert.

What is music concert in French?

les concert de musique noun. concert of music.

Is the French word concert masculine or feminine?


French English
3. salle de concert (feminine noun) concert hall (noun)
4. concert de bienfaisance (masculine noun) fund-raiser (noun)
5. concert de louanges (masculine noun) chorus of praise (noun)
6. concert; agir de ~ together; to act ~

Is concert feminine in French?

So, this is how you say “concert” in english….concert.

French English
3. salle de concert (feminine noun) concert hall (noun)
4. concert de bienfaisance (masculine noun) fund-raiser (noun)

What time is the concert in French?

Asking the Time in French

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il ?
Do you have the time, please? Est-ce que vous avez l’heure, s’il vous plaît ?
What time is the concert? The concert is at eight o’clock in the evening. À quelle heure est le concert ? Le concert est à huit heures du soir.

How do you say 45 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 41-50….French Numbers 41-50.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
45 quarante-cinq kuh-rawnt-sank
46 quarante-six kuh-rawnt-seese
47 quarante-sept kuh-rawnt-set
48 quarante-huit kuh-rawnt-wheet

How do you say 9 in French?

17 = 10 + 7, dix-sept. 18 = 10 + 8, dix-huit….Numbers in French: 1-20.

Number In French Pronunciation
6 six sees
7 sept set
8 huit wheet
9 neuf nuhf

How do you spell 3000 in French?

3000 est le trois millième nombre.

How do the French count?

Instead, for the numbers 70 to 79, combine the tens with the tens. Although these rules hold true for most French-speaking places, there are a few that do have unique words for the numbers 70 (septante) and 90 (nonante), such as Belgium and Switzerland….How to Count in French.

un 1
dix-sept 17
dix-huit 18
dix-neuf 19
vingt 20

How do you say 14 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 11-20….French Numbers 11-20.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
12 douze dooz
13 treize trez
14 quatorze kah-tohrz
15 quinze cans

What is the number 20 in French?

French Numbers: 20-59

20 vingt 30
21 vingt et un 31
22 vingt-deux 32
23 vingt-trois 33
24 vingt-quatre 34

How do you say 10 4 in French?

The French translation for “ten past four (4:10)” is quatre heures dix. The French, quatre heures dix, can be broken down into 3 parts:”4 (four)” (quatre), “hours; o’clock” (heures) and “10 (ten)” (dix).

What are the colors in French?

The most common colors in French

  • red – rouge.
  • yellow – jaune.
  • blue – bleu/bleue.
  • green – vert/verte.
  • orange – orange.
  • white – blanc/blanche.
  • black – noir/noire.
  • gray – gris/grise.

How do you introduce your self?

  1. Stick to The Context. The essential thing to understand before introduce yourself is the context of the situation you are in.
  2. Talk about who you are and what you do.
  3. Make it relevant.
  4. Talk about your contribution.
  5. Go beyond what your title is.
  6. Dress the part.
  7. Prepare what you are going to say.
  8. Body language.

How do say I am a student in French?

French phrase for I am a student is Je suis étudiant.

How do you introduce yourself in French 10 lines?

So now you know how to introduce yourself in French.

  1. Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.
  2. Comment t’appelles-tu?
  3. Je m’appelle ______.
  4. Je viens de France.
  5. J’habite à Paris.
  6. J’apprends le français depuis un an.
  7. J’apprends le français sur (insert here).
  8. J’ai 27 ans.

How can I learn French quickly?

Here are 10 tips to learn French fast:

  1. Watch films. Watching films in French with French subtitles is one of the best ways to learn.
  2. Learn with songs.
  3. Read.
  4. Find a partner.
  5. Don’t be scared to try and make mistakes.
  6. Listen!
  7. Practice.
  8. Sign up for an intensive course.

What is the student in French?

Wiktionary: student → étudiant, étudiante, élève. student → étudiant, élève, écolier, écolière.

What are the basic words in French?

Build your confidence up by starting with some basic words and phrases to start building your French word bank:

  • Bonjour = Hello, Good morning.
  • Au revoir = Goodbye.
  • Oui = Yes.
  • Non = No.
  • Merci = Thank you.
  • Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much.
  • Fille = Girl.
  • Garçon = Boy.