How do you spell cylinder in English?

How do you spell cylinder in English?

English Language Learners Definition of cylinder

  1. : a shape that has straight sides and two circular ends.
  2. : a tube in which a piston of an engine moves.
  3. : the part of a gun that turns and that holds the bullets.

What is a cylinder shape?

What is a Cylinder Shape? A cylinder is a three-dimensional solid figure which consists of two circular bases connected with two parallel lines. These two parallel lines form a curved surface which is bounded by two circles at the top and the bottom.

How do you spell cylinder cylinder?

Word forms: cylinders

  1. countable noun. A cylinder is an object with flat, circular ends and long, straight sides.
  2. countable noun. A gas cylinder is a cylinder-shaped container in which gas is kept under pressure.
  3. countable noun. In an engine, a cylinder is a cylinder-shaped part in which a piston moves backward and forward.

What does cylinder mean in the dictionary?

noun. Geometry. a surface or solid bounded by two parallel planes and generated by a straight line moving parallel to the given planes and tracing a curve bounded by the planes and lying in a plane perpendicular or oblique to the given planes. any cylinderlike object or part, whether solid or hollow.

What are properties of cylinder?

Cylinder Definition. A cylinder is a three-dimensional solid that contains two parallel bases connected by a curved surface. The bases are usually circular in shape. The perpendicular distance between the bases is denoted as the height “h” of the cylinder and “r” is the radius of the cylinder.

How do you describe a cylinder?

A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape in geometry. A cylinder is round and has a top and bottom in the shape of a circle. The top and bottom are flat and always the same size.

What are the uses of cylinder?

Answer. Answer: It is used for measuring volumes for liquids.

What is another word for cylinder?

What is another word for cylinder?

tube pipe
chamber piston
roll duct
conduit line
channel pipeline

What is the opposite of cylinder?

What is the opposite of cylindrical?

unrounded unround
nonspherical nonround

What is the opposite of slender?

Antonyms for slender heavy, firm, chubby, big, liberal, unbreakable, fat, wide, plump, large, strong, thick.

What is the volume of this cylinder?

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V=Bh or V=πr2h . The radius of the cylinder is 8 cm and the height is 15 cm.

What is the area and volume of cylinder?

The formula for the volume of a rectangular solid, V=Bh V = B h , can also be used to find the volume of a cylinder. For a cylinder, the area of the base, B , is the area of its circular base, πr2 π r 2 . The image below compares how the formula V=Bh V = B h is used for rectangular solids and cylinders.

How do you find volume in science?

Measuring volume

  1. To calculate density , the volume of the material must be known.
  2. If the object is a regular shape, the volume can be found by measuring length, breadth and height and using the equation:
  3. Volume = length x breadth x height.

What is the best definition of volume?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound also : loudness. 2 : the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object as measured in cubic units (such as quarts or liters) : cubic capacity — see Metric System Table, Weights and Measures Table.

Why do we need to know volume?

Finding the volume of an object can help us to determine the amount required to fill that object, like the amount of water needed to fill a bottle, an aquarium or a water tank. The volume of an object is measured in cubic units such as cubic centimeters, cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic meter, etc.

What is volume in physics for kids?

Volume refers to the amount of space the object takes up. In other words, volume is a measure of the size of an object, just like height and width are ways to describe size. If the object is hollow (in other words, empty), volume is the amount of water it can hold.

What is relationship between mass and volume?

Mass and volume are two units used to measure objects. Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, while volume is how much space it takes up. Example: A bowling ball and a basketball are about the same volume as each other, but the bowling ball has much more mass.

What is difference between area and volume?

An area is a two-dimensional object whereas volume is a three-dimensional object. The area is a plain figure while volume is a solid figure. The area covers the outer space and volume covers the inner capacity. The area is measured in square units and volume is measured in cubic units.

Is volume like area?

Area and volume are NOT interchangeable. Area refers to the two-dimensional surface measurement of an object while volume refers to the three-dimensional spacial measurement of an object. Units will always be squared for area while units will always be cubed for volume.

What is difference between area perimeter and volume?

The perimeter of a shape represents the distance around it, the area of a shape is the surface or flat space that the shape covers (in 2D) while the volume of a shape is the space it occupies in real life (in 3D). …

How do you do area and volume?

Whereas the basic formula for the area of a rectangular shape is length × width, the basic formula for volume is length × width × height.

What does area and perimeter mean?

About Transcript. Perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape. Area measures the space inside a shape.