How do you spell second in words?

How do you spell second in words?

2nd = second (I live on the 2nd floor.) 3rd = third (Take the third turning on the left.) 4th = fourth (It’s his fourth birthday.)

How do you write 5 foot?

You can also write heights as simple as “five feet, six inches,” “five foot six,” and so forth. A hyphen will also be helpful if you’re writing it really short, such as “five-six.” You can also write it out using a quotation mark.

Do you say on dates?

Use ‘On’ When a Date Comes at the Beginning of a Sentence First, you should add the word “on” when the day or date comes at the beginning of a sentence. For example, you could say, “Our book club met Monday.” But if you lead with the day, you should say, “ON Monday, our book club met.”

Do you say on or in for dates?


Will be back on or at date?

2 Answers. You use on for dates. You use at for times. You would use in for months or years.

How do you use day and date in a sentence?

When the day of the week is provided before the month, the day of the week should be followed by a comma. When the date appears in the middle of a sentence, commas should appear both before and after the year. The store closed its doors for good on Wednesday, October 15, 1958.

Can I use on with date?

“On” is a very particular preposition of time, that is only used with specific days, dates or named days. For instance, you would use “on” to refer to a calendar date, a day of the week, or a special day that can be named by its significance, such as a birthday or anniversary. Let’s look at some examples!

Do we use on before month?

On is used for a specific date (e.g. December 20, 2017), because it is one point in time. In is used for a month, because the month contains a time span.

Is it in or on before a date?

For a specific date, you need to use on – on July 7, 2009. For a month or a year or a season, use in – in July / in 2009 / in the summer.

When should we use on?

“On” is used to indicate position, usually indicating that something is on top of something else.

  • We might say, “My journal is on the desk.” In this function, “on” typically denotes proximity or position.
  • Here’s the fine point.
  • “On” is also used to indicate more specific days and dates.

What the difference between to and for?

It might seem complicated, but the answer is actually very simple. Use “to” when the reason or purpose is a verb. Use “for” when the reason or purpose is a noun. That’s all!

What it means for or to?

“means to me” denotes that something is important to me, for instance, “Justice means a lot to me” “be meant for me” -in the passive voice- denotes that something is for me, for instance, “The present is meant for you!” Moreover, “mean” followed by a verb expresses “want”, for instance, “I only meant to help you”.

What is mean by at least?

phrase. You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used.

Is it better than I or better than me?

Some people think they’re better than you because they say “better than I” instead of “better than me.” They’re not, of course. They’re just among the select group of grammar enthusiasts who think that than can only be a conjunction. In particular, than has been and continues to be a subordinating conjunction.