How do you summarize and paraphrase to avoid plagiarism?

How do you summarize and paraphrase to avoid plagiarism?

involve putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly shorter than a paraphrase because summaries take a broader overview of the source material.

How do you develop paraphrasing skills?

How to Paraphrase Text

  1. Read and Make Notes. Carefully read the text that you want to paraphrase.
  2. Find Different Terms. Find equivalent words or phrases (synonyms) to use in place of the ones that you’ve picked out.
  3. Put the Text into Your Own Words. Rewrite the original text, line by line.
  4. Check Your Work.

How do you paraphrase a child?


  1. children = youngsters, minors. an infant or a toddler is not a strong paraphrase for child because it refers to only very young children.
  2. teenager = juvenile, adolescent, youth, minor.

How do you paraphrase in high school?

How to Paraphrase

  1. READ the material completely.
  2. JOT down notes in bullet form.
  3. DO NOT COPY notes word-for-word.
  4. SET NOTES ASIDE and write new sentence.
  5. COMPARE notes and your new sentence to make sure facts are correct.
  6. INCLUDE in-text citation.

How do you teach paraphrasing to ESL students?

Key strategies for paraphrase

  1. Read the portion of text you want to paraphrase.
  2. Make sure you understand it.
  3. After you’ve read the text, make notes of what you read, without using the author’s words or structure.
  4. Using only your notes, write all of the important ideas of the text using own words.

Do you have to cite a paraphrase?

Paraphrasing ALWAYS requires a citation. Even if you are using your own words, the idea still belongs to someone else.

How do you paraphrase in Counselling?

Paraphrases To paraphrase, the counsellor chooses the most important details of what the client has just said and reflects them back to the client. Paraphrases can be just a few words or one or two brief sentences. Paraphrasing is not a matter of simply repeating or parroting what the client has stated.

What is the difference between reflecting and paraphrasing in Counselling?

The difference between paraphrasing and reflective listening is that in paraphrasing you are only summarizing what the victim has said. With reflective listening, you are going beyond summarizing to identifying feelings that the person may not have identified, but their words and attitudes point to such feelings.

How do you reflect content?

Reflecting content is listening accurately to another person and reflecting the essence of the content of the communication to the other in your own words. In reflecting content, you focus on the content of what a speaker is saying to you, including thoughts, ideas, beliefs, facts, data, etc.

What is the purpose of paraphrasing in Counselling?

Using paraphrasing during counselling also assists the social worker to clarify and brighten the client’s expressions. 2. What is paraphrasing? Paraphrasing is rephrasing the main content of the client’s message (usually in a shortened form) to clarify the essence of what he or she has just said.

What does it mean to reflect on feelings in a counseling session?

Reflection of feelings is determining the feelings and emotions in a person or client’s verbal and body language, and stating (or reflecting) those feelings back to the person. Validating a person’s feelings. Making a person feel understood and listened to.

How do you reflect feelings in Counselling?

Reflection in counselling is like holding up a mirror: repeating the client’s words back to them exactly as they said them. You might reflect back the whole sentence, or you might select a few words – or even one single word – from what the client has brought.

Why is it important to reflect the clients feeling during the Counselling process?

Reflecting a client’s emotions is often useful for heightening the client’s awareness of and ability to label their own emotions. It is important that counselors have a wide emotional vocabulary, so they can tailor their word choice to match a level of emotional intensity that is congruent with a client’s experience.