How do you survive in a foreign country without knowing the language?

How do you survive in a foreign country without knowing the language?

Tips for Traveling When You Don’t Speak the Language

  1. Learn the Basics. You don’t have to become fluent for your two week trip abroad, but, if you don’t speak the language, put in the time to learn basic words and phrases that will be helpful during your trip.
  2. Use Hand Gestures.
  3. Translation Apps.
  4. Point.
  5. Carry Around the Address Where You Are Staying.
  6. Be Nice.

How do you communicate when you don’t know the language?

How to communicate with people who don’t understand your language

  1. Speak Slowly. You might think this is so ridiculously obvious that it doesn’t need saying.
  2. Don’t shout. I’m.
  3. Don’t repeat the same word over and over.
  4. Don’t patronise.
  5. Use simple words.
  6. Use even simpler sentences.
  7. Accept cave speak.
  8. Use one word and try to stick with it.

Can you learn a language by living in the country?

You could live in a country for 20 years, and just hear the language as noise, not learning anything because you have no reference points to allow your brain to learn. ‘Total immersion’ language programs can work, but they rely on having some kind of pictures, guide or reference points to help you to understand.

How long do you need to live in a country to learn the language?

If you’ve got the time for it, sure 88 weeks. But basically, don’t expect to spend less than two years nailing these languages. They estimate that the above-mentioned “Superhard” languages require 88 weeks, or one and a half years, and an additional year of in-country study….

What is the longest alphabet?

The Khmer alphabet

Which country has the most alphabet?


Which countries have their own alphabet?

Ethiopia is the only country in Africa with its own indigenous written alphabet….

What country has the fewest letters?

Papua New Guinea

Which language has more letters?

Cambodian language

Which country fights language?


How did w get its name?

It is from this ⟨uu⟩ digraph that the modern name “double U” derives. The digraph was commonly used in the spelling of Old High German, but only in the earliest texts in Old English, where the /w/ sound soon came to be represented by borrowing the rune ⟨ᚹ⟩, adapted as the Latin letter wynn: ⟨ƿ⟩.