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How do you use Adjure?

How do you use Adjure?

Adjure in a Sentence ?

  1. I had to adjure myself to stay awake, despite having not slept in two days.
  2. The judge will adjure the witnesses to speak only the truth while testifying in favor of the defendant.
  3. I adjure each and every one of you to never disclose to anyone what has been spoken here today.

What does Adjure mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse. 2 : to urge or advise earnestly.

How do you use abjure in a sentence?

Abjure in a Sentence ?

  1. After the tyrant took over the country, the citizens had to abjure their political beliefs.
  2. In order to marry the peasant he loved, the prince made the decision to abjure his title.
  3. Because John ignored his parents’ plea to abjure a life of crime, he ended up in prison by making bad choices.

Which word is closest in meaning to Adjure?

Frequently Asked Questions About adjure Some common synonyms of adjure are beg, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, and supplicate. While all these words mean “to ask urgently,” adjure implies advising as well as pleading.

What is another word for command?

Some common synonyms of command are authority, control, dominion, jurisdiction, power, and sway. While all these words mean “the right to govern or rule or determine,” command implies the power to make arbitrary decisions and compel obedience.

What does it mean to request something?

noun. the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition: At his request, they left. an instance of this: There have been many requests for the product.

How do you request someone?

  1. In more formal situations. Excuse me… ….
  2. Say hello. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.
  3. Remember “please” and “thank you” “Please” normally goes at the end of the sentence:
  4. Say “excuse me” If you ask someone who is doing something else, remember to say “excuse me”:

Is it request of or request for?

When request is a verb, don’t use ‘for’ after it. Don’t say, for example, ‘The President requested for an emergency meeting’. In conversation and in less formal writing, you usually use ask for instead of ‘request’.

What is request grammar?

A request is when somebody asks you to do something – usually politely. Reported requests are one form of reported speech. direct request.

How do you write a request memo?

Write the full date on which you are composing the memo in the “Date” field. Write the subject of the memo in the “Subject” field. An appropriate subject for a memo is a brief statement of its purpose. For example: “Request for Audit of November Reports.” Every memo should include a subject.

How do you use Adjure?

How do you use Adjure?

Adjure in a Sentence ?

  1. I had to adjure myself to stay awake, despite having not slept in two days.
  2. The judge will adjure the witnesses to speak only the truth while testifying in favor of the defendant.
  3. I adjure each and every one of you to never disclose to anyone what has been spoken here today.

What do Adjure means?

transitive verb. 1 : to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse. 2 : to urge or advise earnestly.

Which word is closest in meaning to Adjure?

Frequently Asked Questions About adjure Some common synonyms of adjure are beg, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, and supplicate. While all these words mean “to ask urgently,” adjure implies advising as well as pleading.

What is another word for command?

Some common synonyms of command are authority, control, dominion, jurisdiction, power, and sway. While all these words mean “the right to govern or rule or determine,” command implies the power to make arbitrary decisions and compel obedience.

How do you write a request memo?

Write the full date on which you are composing the memo in the “Date” field. Write the subject of the memo in the “Subject” field. An appropriate subject for a memo is a brief statement of its purpose. For example: “Request for Audit of November Reports.” Every memo should include a subject.

What is a formal report?

A formal report is an official report that contains detailed information, research, and data necessary to make business decisions. This report is generally written for the purpose of solving a problem.

What are the elements of a formal report?

The key elements of a report

  • Title page.
  • Table of contents.
  • Executive summary.
  • Introduction.
  • Discussion.
  • Conclusion.
  • Recommendations.
  • References.

What are the three basic steps in writing a report?

The usual steps involved in writing report are:

  • logical analysis of the subject-matter;
  • preparation of the final outline;
  • preparation of the rough draft;
  • rewriting and polishing;
  • preparation of the final bibliography; and.
  • writing the final draft.

How are reports written?

Reports are divided into sections with headings and subheadings. Reports can be academic, technical, or business-oriented, and feature recommendations for specific actions. Reports are written to present facts about a situation, project, or process and will define and analyze the issue at hand.