How do you use nicht and kein?

How do you use nicht and kein?

1 Answer. Or more generally speaking, use “kein” when something is rather undetermined (uncountable nouns, indefinite article) and “nicht” for more determined things (definite article, possessive pronouns). “Kein”/”nicht” does not imply any difference in terms of length of time.

What is the difference between nicht and kein?

Nicht vs. Kein. Perhaps the most common words used in German negation are nicht (not) and kein (no, none).

Does nicht go before or after Gern?

Rule #1: By Default, Nicht Goes To The End Of The Sentence When you’re negating a verb, a noun or a whole sentence using nicht, it generally goes to the end of the sentence.

What is the difference between Sondern and Aber?

It is actually quite simple: Aber, which means but or however, is used after either a positive or negative clause. On the other hand, sondern is only used after a negative clause when expressing a contradiction.

Does Sondern change word order?

Coordinating conjunctions have no effect on word order: und, denn, sondern, aber, and oder. The most common subordinating conjunctions are: während, bis, als, wenn, da, weil, ob, obwohl, and dass. Ich kann ihn nicht leiden, weil er so ein egoistischer Idiot ist.

Does auch change word order?

As we have seen above, in German the position of the adverb auch is not as fixed as the position of its English correspondences. This is because of the phenomenon of scrambling, which allows us to change the word order in German sentences.

What does Auch stand for?

Association for Utah Community Health

What does sheyn mean in Yiddish?

Definitions. pretty girl. well-behaved girl (female equivalent of mensch, which is sometimes used just for males but is often used for males and females)

What ethnicity is Schoen?

Schoen is a common surname of German origin.

How do you pronounce Schoen?

Well, my German-speaking grandfather pronounced it “Danke schön,” which means something like “Thank you kindly.” “Schön” is spelled “schoen” when you can’t use an umlaut, and literally means “lovely” or “pretty,” according to my German-English dictionary. And it is pronounced “shane” or “shern.”

How do you reply to Danke schon?

When someone says danke, the standard response is bitte. This normally means ‘please’, but within the context of responding to a ‘thank you’, it means ‘you’re welcome’. If instead they say danke schön, then you should reply by saying bitte schön.

Why is Danke schon?

Linguistic details. In German, the phrase Danke schön is equivalent to the English expressions ‘Thank you very much’ or ‘Thank you kindly’. The word Danke means ‘Thanks’ and schön means ‘pretty’, ‘lovely’, or ‘nice’.

What is the correct response to merci in French?

de rien

How do you conjugate Remercier?

Remercier follows the conjugation pattern of regular -er verbs. As you do when conjugating regular verbs, you drop the infinitive ending from the verb to find the stem (remerci-) and add the ending appropriate of the subject pronoun and tense….Imperative.

(tu) remercie
(nous) remercions
(vous) remerciez

How do you conjugate dire?

The indicative mood of dire includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses. To use the chart, simply pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For example, “I say” is je dis and “we will tell” is nous disons….Simple Conjugations of Dire.

(tu) dis
(nous) disons
(vous) dites

How do you conjugate Perdre in French?

This lesson will show you how to use the French verb ‘perdre’, which means ‘to lose’ in English….Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Perdre Conjugation
tu tu perds
il/elle/on il/elle/on perd
nous nous perdons
vous vous perdez

How do you conjugate prendre in passe compose?

The “Prendre” Conjugation in Passé Composé The passé composé of any verb is conjugated with an auxiliary verb. For the verb prendre, we need avoir followed by the past participle pris. For the compound tenses, the auxiliary verb conjugates, but the verb pris does not.

Is Monter avoir or etre?

‘ Monter is a regular -er verb in French and follows the regular -er verb conjugation pattern. It can be conjugated both with être and avoir in the passé composé, and when used with être, the past participle must agree in gender and number with the subject.

Is Rester avoir or etre?

Rester in the Compound Past Tense The passé composé is used for the past tense and requires the auxiliary verb être as well as the past participle resté. The only conjugation required for this is être into the present tense for the subject.

Is jouer avoir or etre?

To form this past tense of jouer, you will use the past participle joué along with the auxiliary verb avoir. For example, “we played” is nous avons joué.

What is the perfect tense of jouer in French?

jouer: Conjugation

Present Perfect
Past historic Past anterior
je jouai tu jouas il/elle joua nous jouâmes vous jouâtes ils/elles jouèrent Pronounce these verb forms j’ eus joué tu eus joué il/elle eut joué nous eûmes joué vous eûtes joué ils/elles eurent joué Pronounce these verb forms

What are the 17 etre verbs in French?

The following is a list of verbs (and their derivatives) that require être:

  • aller > to go.
  • arriver > to arrive.
  • descendre > to descend / go downstairs. redescendre > to descend again.
  • entrer > to enter. rentrer > to re-enter.
  • monter > to climb. remonter > to climb again.
  • mourir > to die.
  • naître > to be born.
  • partir > to leave.

Is Gagner avoir or etre?

‘ Gagner is a regular -er verb in French, and follows the regular -er verb conjugation pattern.