How do you use prolonged in a sentence?

How do you use prolonged in a sentence?

Prolonged sentence example

  1. After a prolonged silence, she hugged him again.
  2. After a prolonged moment, she inhaled deeply.
  3. A prolonged and general silence followed.
  4. After a prolonged pause, Jackson ran a hand through his hair and inhaled deeply.
  5. The selection, however, was not finally made without prolonged hesitation.

What is meant by prolonged use?

continuing for a long time: Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.

What does prolongation mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to lengthen in time : continue. 2 : to lengthen in extent, scope, or range.

How long does prolonged mean?

Something prolonged is long and drawn-out — it’s taking longer than it should.

What is the meaning of prolonged illness?

Prolonged illness refers to the disease that is present for extended period. The sickness might be lethal or long-standing. It might make the person unable to carry on with the day-to-day activities for a longer period.

What does prolonged mean in medical terms?

To lengthen in duration; protract: factors that prolong the drug’s effect.

What does prolonged treatment mean?

A prolonged event or situation continues for a long time, or for longer than expected. adj usu ADJ n. …a prolonged period of low interest rates. prolong, prologue, prong, prolongation. be a comprehensive treatment of.

What is another word for prolonged?

What is another word for prolonged?

long lengthy
protracted extended
sustained lengthened
continued persistent
delayed prolix

What does tolerate mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to allow to be or to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction. b : to put up with learn to tolerate one another. 2 : to endure or resist the action of (something, such as a drug or food) without serious side effects or discomfort : exhibit physiological tolerance for.

What behavior can you not tolerate?

7 Toxic Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate

  • Tools of manipulation and power.
  • Marginalizes your thoughts and feelings.
  • Calls you names or disparages you.
  • Gaslights you.
  • Treats you with contempt.
  • Projects his or her feelings on to you.
  • Manipulates your insecurities.
  • Stonewalls you.

What is an example of tolerance?

Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of anything different. An example of tolerance is Muslims, Christians and Athiests being friends. (uncountable) The ability or practice of tolerating; an acceptance or patience with the beliefs, opinions or practices of others; a lack of bigotry. …

What is a tolerant person?

To be tolerant means that you accept other people’s opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don’t agree with. Tolerance also means that you don’t put your opinions above those of others, even when you are sure that you are right.

What are the qualities of a tolerant person?

What are the characteristics of a tolerant person?

  • They’re able to effectively circumvent the established process to get things done.
  • They don’t mind bending the rules when it’s necessary, and it doesn’t bother them when others do they same.
  • They’re forgiving when someone else makes a mistake, even repeatedly.

Is tolerance good or bad?

Tolerance is critical for survival. It has allowed us to endure horrific conditions by helping us quickly adapt to the situation. Our ability to adapt to our surroundings is both a gift and a curse. There are some life forms that cannot survive unless their conditions are ideal.

What is a tolerant attitude?

adj. 1. Inclined to tolerate the beliefs or behavior of others; forbearing: a tolerant attitude. 2. Able to withstand or endure an adverse environmental condition: plants tolerant of extreme heat.

How can you show tolerance?

Here are some ways to practice tolerance:

  1. • Practice respect and kindness to others. • Words matter – Be sensitive to the language.
  2. you choose.
  3. • Avoid stereotypes and respect individuality.
  4. differences.
  5. • Stand up for others if they are being treated.
  6. unfairly or unkindly.
  7. March 2016.

How do you become tolerant of others?

3 Tips on How to Be Tolerant of Others

  1. Why You Should be Tolerant of Others. Tolerance is mainly known as a willingness to accept others and their beliefs, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.
  2. Listen Carefully Without Jumping to Conclusions.
  3. Try to Understand the Other Person’s Point of View.
  4. Agree to Disagree.

What is the difference between respect and tolerance?

In real-life terms, tolerance means accepting that something different has a right to exist, whether or not you agree with it, while respect means a high regard for that something. They are therefore demanding something to which they have not earned the right.

Can you respect something but not support it?

Yes. Just because someone doesn’t support something doesn’t mean they hate it. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean they respect it. You can’t force someone to respect you.

What is tolerance and respect in school?

Respect and tolerance are key values in education in a double sense. Teachers and students have to behave respectfully and practice tolerance in school, and at the same time, school is a place for learning tolerance and respect.

Why is tolerance important to society?

Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and in every stage because it plays a vital role in establishing peace and love in all the units of society, from the smallest up to the highest. Tolerance does not mean that only one person or party shows tolerance and others do not.

What are benefits of tolerance?

Being able to accept one another’s differences can have positive effect on one’s well being. Being tolerant removes one’s self-imposed barriers and allows one to think more broadly and enjoy greater inner peace. Tolerance leads to less stress and greater happiness in the overall community.

Why is it important to accept differences?

Respecting both similarities and differences in others opens doors to many opportunities. Respecting both similarities and differences in others opens doors to many opportunities. You’ll learn new things and make better decisions, which in turn will help your career and improve your self-confidence.

What is the value of tolerance?

Tolerance is respecting and appreciating the culture of others. Tolerance is mutual respect through mutual understanding. The seeds of intolerance are fear and ignorance. The seed of tolerance, love, is watered by compassion and care.

Why is tolerance a bad thing?

Tolerance between people makes it possible for conflicting claims of beliefs, values and ideas to coexistence as long as they fit within acceptable moral values. So while different marriage practices fit in within acceptable moral values, sexual abuse of children is immoral and cannot be tolerated.

What are the 3 types of tolerances?

A tolerance is an acceptable amount of dimensional variation that will still allow an object to function correctly. Three basic tolerances that occur most often on working drawings are: limit dimensions, unilateral, and bilateral tolerances.

What kind of virtue tolerance is?

As a virtue, tolerance implies that one accepts differences in people. You don’t expect others to think, look, speak or act just like you. Tolerant people are generally free of prejudice and discrimination. An exaggerated tolerance may amount to a vice, while intolerance may sometimes be a virtue.

Do you think tolerance is a virtue what are its limitations?

Indeed, tolerance is a virtue only when supported by a higher moral principle, which a theory of toleration must, in its turn, be able to provide. In any case, tolerance is valuable only within the limits of the harm principle, beyond which it becomes indulgence, and hence from a virtue turns into a vice.

What does tolerance mean today?

1 : capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, stamina. 2a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own. b : the act of allowing something : toleration.

Is tolerance same as weakness?

Tolerance is not a weakness; it does not mean ‘giving in’. Tolerance is a traitof strength. It means deep desire to make a difference the right way.