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How do you use terminology in a sentence?

How do you use terminology in a sentence?

(1) He particularly criticized the terminology in the document. (2) The article uses rather specialized musical terminology. (3) It’s couched in such very user-unfriendly terminology. (4) The outer walls, in building terminology, are “double skin”.

What is example of terminology?

Terminology is the language used to describe a specific thing, or the language used within a specific field. Special language used by scientists is an example of science terminology. noun.

How do you explain terminology?

Terminology is a discipline that systematically studies the “labelling or designating of concepts” particular to one or more subject fields or domains of human activity. It does this through the research and analysis of terms in context for the purpose of documenting and promoting consistent usage.

Has given in a sentence?

She has given up the fight. She has given birth in a dream. She has given me the way out”. She has given up listening to doctors.

What is the difference between Gave and given?

Gave’ is the Past form of give. ‘Given’ is the Past Participle form of give. E.g. I have given him a bag in this birthday. In this example ‘given’ has been used with ‘have’ as the subject is I and in this sentence present birthday has been referred.

What is another word for given?

What is another word for given?

inclined prone
disposed likely
predisposed inured
tending addicted
obsessed in the habit of

What is another word for awarded?

What is another word for awarded?

granted gave
given accorded
assigned conferred
endowed gifted
rewarded bestowed

How do you use bestow?

Bestow sentence example

  1. It is a big honor to bestow on a person.
  2. He was ever ready to take blame on himself and bestow praise on others.
  3. I would ask that you bestow defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack.
  4. With this act we bestow upon any honorary member the right to vote on any matter.

What does bestow upon mean?

to present as a gift; give; confer (usually followed by on or upon): The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.

What is the definition of heedless?

: not taking heed : inconsiderate, thoughtless heedless follies of unbridled youth— John DeBruyn.

Is bestowing a word?

1. to present as a gift; confer. 2. to put to use; apply.

What does vigilant mean?

watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, alert mean being on the lookout especially for danger or opportunity. watchful is the least explicit term. the watchful eye of the department supervisor vigilant suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness.

Who is a vigilant person?

Use vigilant to describe someone who keeps awake and alert in order to avoid danger or problems. When taking the subway, be vigilant about your wallet — always know where it is, or someone might steal it from you.

What are three similar words to vigilant?


  • alert,
  • Argus-eyed,
  • attentive,
  • awake,
  • observant,
  • open-eyed,
  • tenty.
  • (also tentie)

How do you use the word vigilant?

Vigilant Sentence Examples He still knew the undergraduates individually, and watched their progress with a vigilant eye. Down to his death the pope kept a vigilant eye on the troubles in France. You will have to be vigilant in your work in order to earn an A in this class.

What is the difference between diligent and vigilant?

As adjectives the difference between vigilant and diligent is that vigilant is watchful, especially for danger or disorder; alert; wary while diligent is performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard.

What is the verb form of vigilant?

state or quality of being vigilant; watchfulness: Vigilance is required in the event of treachery.

How do you use vigilant in a simple sentence?

Vigilant in a Sentence ?

  1. Although this highway is a beautiful drive, you have to stay vigilant for deer and other animals in the road.
  2. In the aftermath of the hurricane, the engineer had to stay vigilant as he looked far ahead for hazards on the track.