How do you use the word definitely?

How do you use the word definitely?

definitely Add to list Share. Use definitely to describe something you don’t have any doubt about. If you are certain you’re going to see your friend’s band play, you can assure him that you’ll definitely be there. The adverb definitely is used to emphasize the certainty of whatever word it modifies.

What does definitely mean?

1 : in a definite way : in a way free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity I will definitely be there.

What is the difference between definitely and absolutely?

As adverbs the difference between absolutely and definitely is that absolutely is in an absolute or unconditional manner; utterly, positively, wholly while definitely is without question and beyond doubt.

What’s the difference between probably and definitely?

Probably infers that something will most likely happen (it has a better chance of happening than not happening.) Definitely infers that something is going to happen, no doubt about it! Definitely infers that something is going to happen, no doubt about it! It’s going to happen, no ifs, ands, or buts.

What is the difference between certainly and definitely?

Use definitely to say that something is certain to happen or be true • I will definitely be back (NOT I will surely be back) by ten. Use certainly to emphasize that something is true • He certainly is (NOT surely is) a great cook.

How do you use absolutely?

1used to emphasize that something is completely true You’re absolutely right. He made it absolutely clear. I’m not absolutely certain I posted it.

What word is absolutely?

adverb. without exception; completely; wholly; entirely: You are absolutely right. without doubt or reservation; positively; certainly: I’ll absolutely support your candidacy. (of a transitive verb) without an object.

Is it OK to say absolutely?

Some people say absolutely as an emphatic way of saying yes or of agreeing with someone. They say absolutely not as an emphatic way of saying no or of disagreeing with someone. “It’s worrying that they’re doing things without training though, isn’t it?”—”Absolutely.”

Can I answer with absolutely?

(Absolutely and definitely can be used in both polite and casual conversations) Yes you could. That is basically the main idea of those words.

Is absolutely a good response to thank you?

“It is my pleasure.” “You are most welcome.” “Absolutely.” These are all gracious responses to thank you in formal and casual situations. An acknowledgement of their thanks is what’s required. Best to avoid saying, “no problem,” which is sometimes viewed as an inappropriate or ungracious reply.

What means noticeable?

noticeable, remarkable, prominent, outstanding, conspicuous, salient, striking mean attracting notice or attention. noticeable applies to something unlikely to escape observation.

What’s another word for noticeable?

Some common synonyms of noticeable are conspicuous, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking.

Is it noticeable or noticable?

The right answer is that it´s spelled noticeable, not noticable.

What word goes with noticeable?

What is another word for noticeable?

conspicuous striking
unmistakable patent
manifest apparent
distinct remarkable
plain palpable

What is the root word of noticeable?

1796, “worthy of notice, likely to attract attention,” from notice (n.) + -able. Meaning “capable of being noticed or observed” is from 1809.

How do you say something is very obvious?


  1. obvious. adjective. clear to almost anyone.
  2. clear. adjective. obvious and impossible to doubt.
  3. significant. adjective. very large or noticeable.
  4. plain. adjective. easily seen or understood.
  5. visible. adjective. clear, obvious, or noticeable.
  6. noticeable. adjective.
  7. pronounced. adjective.
  8. self-evident. adjective.

Whats the opposite of obvious?

obvious. Antonyms: remote, obscure, farfetched, involved, latent. Synonyms: plain, self-evident, manifest, explicit, apparent, open, patent.

Is unobvious a word?

un-ob′vi-us, adj. not obvious, evident, or manifest.

What is blatant disrespect?

Filters. The definition of blatantly is something, especially something forbidden or disrespectful, done in a really obvious manner. When you are told not to get a cookie and you walk immediately up to the cookie jar and loudly take a cookie, this is an example of a time when you blatantly disobey. adverb.

Can a lie be blatant?

Something blatant is very obvious and offensive. Don’t get caught in a blatant lie, because you won’t be able to weasel your way out of it. Blatant acts are done without trying to hide them.

What does Beliverent mean?

warlike; given to waging war. of warlike character; aggressively hostile; bellicose: a belligerent tone. pertaining to war or to those engaged in war: belligerent rights.

What is an example of belligerent?

An example of belligerent is a person who constantly starts fights with others. Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive. Belligerent is defined as a state, nation or military personnel at war or ready to fight. An example of belligerent is Germany in World War II.