How do you use the word following in a sentence?

How do you use the word following in a sentence?

Following sentence example

  1. He must have been following us.
  2. Kyle said, following her into the kitchen.
  3. Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.

Which of the following parts of speech is personally as used in the sentence above?

Which of the following parts of speech is “personally” used in the sentence above? D. The word “personally” modifies the verb “take.” Therefore, it is and adverb.

Which of the following is a complete sentence since she was hungry she had a snack?

The correct answer is A. Since she was hungry, she had a snack. It is the only complete sentence because there is a main clause (“she had a snack”), and a subordinate (dependent) clause that hangs to it (“since she was hungry”).

What is one way to turn this fragment into a complete sentence?

One way to turn this fragment into a complete sentence is to remove the word while.

Which of the following is an example of an imperative sentence?

An Imperative sentence is a sentence that is giving or showing a command. For example: Get your bag. So, letter A would be the correct answer.

What is categorical imperative for dummies?

The categorical imperative is something that a person must do, no matter what the circumstances. It is imperative to an ethical person that they make choices based on the categorical imperative. Another way of saying that, is that an ethical person follows a “universal law” regardless of their situation.

Is the categorical imperative the same as the Golden Rule?

To clarify, let’s spell them out here: Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Always behave so that the motto of your behavior could apply to everyone, everywhere, at every time, universally. Jesus’ Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

What is the golden rule in the Bible?

The “Golden Rule” of Leviticus 19:18 was quoted by Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:12; see also Luke 6:31) during his Sermon on the Mount and described by him as the second great commandment. The common English phrasing is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Does Kant believe in the golden rule?

Universalizability: Kant & The Golden Rule Kant argued that the Golden Rule is inferior to this imperative: that since the Golden Rule does not contain principles of duties to one’s own moral will, nor principles of “strict obligation to one another”, it could not be a universal law.

What according to Kant is the difference between persons and things?

According to Kant there are two types of beings: persons and things. Persons have infinite worth, while things have finite worth and a price and can be bought or sold. The second formulation of the Categorical Imperative is based on this distinction between persons and things.

Is the golden rule deontological?

The Golden Rule is a deontological principle of ethics. It is often stated as an imperative, or as a command: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It is found in the New Testament, and elsewhere. Most people believe the Golden Rule is a correct moral principle because it expresses a basic fairness.

What is Kantian perspective?

Kant’s moral philosophy is a deontological normative theory, which is to say he rejects the utilitarian idea that the rightness of an action is a function of how fruitful its outcome is. He says that the motive (or means), and not consequence (or end), of an action determines its moral value.

What is the difference between utilitarianism and kantianism?

The main difference between Kantianism and Utilitarianism is that Kantianism is a deontological moral theory whereas utilitarianism is a teleological moral theory. Both Kantianism and utilitarianism are ethical theories that express the ethical standard of an action.

Is Kant a utilitarian?

Kant’s theory would not have been utilitarian or consequentialist even if his practical recommendations coincided with utilitarian commands: Kant’s theory of value is essentially anti-utilitarian; there is no place for rational contradiction as the source of moral imperatives in utilitarianism; Kant would reject the …

Why is utilitarianism bad?

Perhaps the greatest difficulty with utilitarianism is that it fails to take into account considerations of justice. We can imagine instances where a certain course of action would produce great benefits for society, but they would be clearly unjust.

Can we say the followings?

Like an adjective, “following” does not change form for plural, so you could say “the following item” (singular) or “the following items” (plural), or in place of either, “the following”, referring to the item or items that follow the current phrase.

Does the following mean?

: the following one or ones —used to introduce a list, a quotation, etc. The finalists are the following: Mary, James, and George. The following are the times of departing trains: 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m.

What is purloined mean?

transitive verb. : to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

What does ensuing mean?

: to strive to attain : pursue I wander, seeking peace, and ensuing it— Rupert Brooke. intransitive verb. : to take place afterward or as a result.

What’s an example of an example?

Example is defined as something or someone that is used as a model. An example of the word “example” is a previously baked pie shown to a cooking class. An example of the word “example” is 2×2=4 used to show multiplication. The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.

What is a another word for example?

Some common synonyms of example are case, illustration, instance, sample, and specimen. While all these words mean “something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category,” example applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case.

What word can I use instead of for example?

For Example’ Synonym Phrases

  • “For instance …”
  • “To give you an idea …”
  • “As proof …”
  • “Suppose that …”
  • “To illustrate …”
  • “Imagine …”
  • “Pretend that …”
  • “To show you what I mean …”

How do you use the word following in a sentence?

How do you use the word following in a sentence?

Following sentence example

  1. He must have been following us.
  2. Kyle said, following her into the kitchen.
  3. Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence j’ai une demi sœur qui Habite avec moi?

au cinema. What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? J’ai une demi-sœur qui habite avec moi. half-sister.

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence Elle Aime travailler?

espère. What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Elle aime travailler. to work.

What is the meaning of bass?

1 : a tone of low pitch. 2 : the lowest part in harmony that has four parts. 3 : the lower half of the musical pitch range. 4 : the lowest male singing voice. 5 : a singer or an instrument having a bass range or part.

What is the opposite of Heureux in French?

Opposite of Heureux is malheureux.

What is the opposite of Joli in French?

Opposite of aesthetically pleasing to view or look at. ugly. unattractive. grotesque.

What is the opposite of interessant in French?

Opposite of holding one’s attention. boring. dull. unimpressive. uninteresting.

What is the opposite of happy in French?

Heureux is a French word meaning favorable, good, or happy. Here’s a list of antonyms for happy. Contexts ▼ Opposite of experiencing a feeling of positivity, satisfaction, or enjoyment. Opposite of favored by luck and good fortune.

What is another word happy?

  • blissful,
  • delighted,
  • glad,
  • joyful,
  • joyous,
  • jubilant,
  • rejoicing,
  • tickled.

What words are related to happiness?


  • beatitude,
  • blessedness,
  • bliss,
  • blissfulness,
  • felicity,
  • gladness,
  • joy,
  • warm fuzzies.

What words make happy?

Excellent, laughs, joy, rainbow, outstanding, butterflies, sunlight, kisses, weekends, cake, cheers, relaxing, Saturdays, cupcake, extraordinary, hilarious, moonlight, optimistic, peaceful, romance, internet.

What is the saddest word?

The saddest word in English is the word “ALMOST”.

How do you express joy in words?

Ways of expressing happiness and pleasure – thesaurus

  1. hooray. interjection. mainly spoken a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something.
  2. aah. interjection.
  3. excellent. adjective.
  4. lovely. adjective.
  5. happily. adverb.
  6. good for/on someone. phrase.
  7. hallelujah. interjection.
  8. good. adjective.

How do you express enthusiasm in writing?

The adjectives amazing, awesome, fantastic, incredible and unbelievable are known as extreme adjectives and express your enthusiasm. Used at the right moment, these adjectives add special emphasis and are used to show enthusiasm and joy. Be careful not to use these too often as they lose their impact when overused.

How do you express success in words?


  1. accomplishment.
  2. achievement.
  3. advance.
  4. benefit.
  5. profit.
  6. prosperity.
  7. victory.
  8. win.

How do you express your feelings?

Spend some time alone thinking about how you’re feeling. Come up with specific words that describe exactly how you feel. Instead of saying you feel ‘bad’ – find more specific words like afraid, frustrated, upset or anxious. Remember feelings are often described in one word (happy, excited, sad, angry).

How do you describe very happy?

SYNONYMS FOR happy 1 joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, blissful, satisfied. 4 favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous.