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How do you use uncertainty in a sentence?

How do you use uncertainty in a sentence?

Uncertainty sentence example

  1. Jonny looked up, uncertainty crossing his face.
  2. There is great uncertainty in regard to his life.
  3. There was no uncertainty about dying.
  4. Fear and uncertainty crossed her features.
  5. To eliminate this source of uncertainty these metals were employed as compressed powders.

What is a synonym for the word exact?

other words for exact

  • correct.
  • definite.
  • explicit.
  • identical.
  • literal.
  • perfect.
  • rigorous.
  • specific.

What is the antonym for exact?

ANTONYMS FOR exact 1, 2 imprecise.

What’s another word for being unsure?

What is another word for unsure?

dithering equivocating
doubtful hesitant
dubious suspicious
mistrustful hesitating
distrustful skepticalUS

What does unsure of yourself mean?

1. not having much confidence, and tending to behave in a nervous way. He was timid and unsure of himself at first.

What is precautionary principle in environmental law?

The Precautionary Principle recognizes that delaying action until there is compelling evidence of harm will often mean that it is then too costly or impossible to avert the threat. Use of the principle promotes action to avert risks of serious or irreversible harm to the environment in such cases.

What is the precautionary principle and why is it important?

The precautionary principle asserts that the burden of proof for potentially harmful actions by industry or government rests on the assurance of safety and that when there are threats of serious damage, scientific uncertainty must be resolved in favor of prevention.

What is an example of precautionary principle?

For example, some states inspired by the principle established a moratorium on GMOs. These countries, including Peru and Germany, established policies banning, among others, the cultivation of GMO crops, based on the uncertainty of available science on the effects of GMOs on public health and ecosystems.

What are the principles of nature?

So there are three principles of nature, namely matter, form and privation; of which one is that to which generation proceeds, namely form, and the other two are those from which generation proceeds. Therefore, matter and privation are the same in their subject, but differ in their concepts.

What are the basic principles of conservation?

Principles of conservation

  • 1.1 The historic environment is a shared resource.
  • 1.2 Participation in sustaining the historic environment.
  • 1.3 The significance of places must be understood.
  • 1.4 Management of significant places is necessary to sustain their values.
  • 1.5 Change decisions should be reasonable, consistent and transparent.

What are the three laws of conservation?

Exact conservation laws include conservation of energy, conservation of linear momentum, conservation of angular momentum, and conservation of electric charge. …

What are the principles of conversation?

Five Principles of Conversation

  • Each person is both the speaker and listener, sender and receiver.
  • Monologue is the opposite side.
  • Demonstrate respect for the other person.
  • Avoid negative criticism and negative judgement.
  • Keep the channels open.
  • Acknowledge the presence and importance of the other person.
  • Avoid manipulating the conversation.

What are the different methods of heritage conservation?

Conservation methods are consolidation, reproduction, reconstruction, preservation, deterioration perversion, rehabilitation, and restoration.

What are the major issues related to conservation of Indian heritage?

Major Issues: Lack of Master Plan: Except the world heritage sites e.g. Taj, Humayun’s Tomb, Ajanta, Ellora, Bodh Gaya etc. other monuments of national importanceface negligence of local or state administrations. Pollution: There are several types of environmental pollutions which hamper the heritage properties.

Why it is important to restore our heritage and culture?

Conservation of heritage buildings is very important because it provides a sense of identity and continuity in a fast changing world for future generations. Heritage buildings basically represent the past history and culture of a nation. They constitute together the architectural heritage of an area.