How do you write date of birth in German?

How do you write date of birth in German?

When writing a date in German, list the day of the month first, followed by the numeral for the month, followed by the year. Germany uses the Gregorian calendar, with 12 months from January through December. For example, if you saw 01.04. 2019 in German, this date is April 1st, 2019 – not January 4th.

How do you say the year and date in German?

You can use the following phrases when discussing dates in German.

  1. der zweite Februar (February 2nd)
  2. der dreiundzwanzigste Juli (July 23rd)
  3. der erste November (November 1st)
  4. Welchen Tag haben wir heute? (What day is today?)
  5. Heute ist Freitag.
  6. Der Wievielte ist heute? (What’s today’s date?)
  7. Heute ist der dritte Mai.

What are numbers in German?

German numbering rules Digits and numbers from zero to twelve are specific words: null [0], eins [1], zwei [2], drei [3], vier [4], fünf [5], sechs [6], sieben [7], acht [8], neun [9], zehn [10], elf [11], and zwölf [12].

What does 9 mean in German language?

However the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. As Christ die in the Ninth hour. Nine represents the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22 – 23).

What is the number 13 in German?


What number is null in German?

Counting from 0 (null) to 100 ((ein)hundert) in German

Number in German (length)
0 null (4)
1 eins (4)
2 zwei (4)
3 drei (4)

How do you count from 1 to 100 in German?

The Rest Of The Tens

  1. thirty — dreißig.
  2. forty — vierzig.
  3. fifty — fünfzig.
  4. sixty — sechzig.
  5. seventy — siebzig.
  6. eighty — achtzig.
  7. ninety — neunzig.
  8. one hundred — einhundert.

Is pointing rude in Germany?

This is considered a rude gesture. Don’t point your index finger to your own head. This is an insult.

What do you say after Wie Gehts?

The following are acceptable answers to the question Wie geht es Ihnen? (How are you?): Danke, gut. (dân-ke, gooht.) (Thanks, I’m fine.) or Gut, danke.

Is Ihnen formal?

Both can be translated as “you” but “dir” is used in informal situations and “Ihnen” is used in formal situations. You would use “dir” if you speak to a friend or a family member. “Ihnen” is used if you talk to unknow people, your boss, your teacher for example.

Do Germans say Wie Gehts?

Wie geht’s in german is in a short way to ask “Wie geht es dir” which literally translates to “how is it going for you” in English. It also could be used for asking “what’s up”, “how are things”.. “Wie get’s” roughly translates to “how’s it going?” “Wie geht’s dir?” Would mean “how are you?”