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How does Long John Silver eventually get possession of the treasure map?

How does Long John Silver eventually get possession of the treasure map?

Jim boldly reveals that he cut the rope on the ship and killed Hands, and he tells Silver that he does not fear him. He tells Jim to play the role of the hostage, to convince Silver’s men that Silver is still in charge. Finally, Silver reveals that Livesey has given him the treasure map, which astonishes Jim.

Why does the doctor give the treasure map to Long John Silver?

Ben Gunn carried all the gold from the treasure chests to his cave two months before the Hispaniola even arrived on the island. That’s why Doctor Livesey gave Long John Silver the treasure map – he had heard from Ben Gunn that the treasure had already been moved, so he knew the map was useless.

Who gets the treasure in Treasure Island?

Jim and his friends get there first and demolish the boat. At this point Ben Gunn reveals that he had dug up the treasure several years ago and it is now in his cave. Jim takes everyone to the Hispaniola and they transport the treasure from Ben’s cave to her hold.

What happens to Long John Silver in Treasure Island?

Charlton Heston portrayed a darker Long John Silver in the 1990 made-for-television movie, Treasure Island. Silver refuses, and the pirates torture him by repeatedly striking his leg with an ax. The Walrus’ crew free themselves and rescue him, but his leg is beyond saving and has to be amputated.

Is the captain in Treasure Planet evil?

John Silver is the main antagonist-turned-deuteragonist of Disney’s 2002 animated feature film Treasure Planet. He is a cybernetic pirate captain who dedicated his life to finding Treasure Planet and achieving ultimate prosperity. Driven by greed, Silver was ruthless in his pursuit—feared by all and challenged by none.

Why is Long John Silver bad?

He is thoroughly treacherous and duplicitous, using his considerable intelligence and charisma to deceive those around him. Silver is the primary villain of the piece, but he is a complex character and is far from entirely bad. He is kind to Jim Hawkins, acting as a mentor and protector toward him when he can.

What happened Ben Gunn?

Ben Gunn is a marooned sailor Jim Hawkins finds on the island. In fact, as far as we can tell, he was basically abandoned on the island because he was annoying. He was sailing with a ship that happened to pass the island three years before when he promised everyone Captain Flint’s treasure.

What happened to Billy Bones in black sails?

It is revealed that Billy survived his fall overboard from the Walrus, and was pulled out of the water by Captain Hume and the crew of the Scarborough. He is taken to a large British camp on Harbour Island not 40 miles from Nassau.

Why is John Silver called long?

Long John Silver earned the title ‘Long’ because of his height. He is a tall, muscular man who does not let his peg leg interfere with his fighting…

Why is Jim apprehensive about delivering the message to Long John Silver What kind of man is he expecting what kind of man does he meet instead?

Why is Jim apprehensive about delivering the message to Long John Silver? Long John Silver owns this tavern so he might not be a pirate or buccaneer. He is apprehensive because it could be the one legged guy. When he gets to the tavern it is very loud and the only time he’s been around someone loud it was Billy Bones.

What happens to Billy Bones as he is attempting to kill black dog with his sword?

Billy Bones hires Jim to stay on the lookout for a one-legged sailor whom he apparently fears. He terrorizes the others in the inn with his inappropriate and offensive sailor’s songs and heavy drinking. Billy Bones attempts to kill Black Dog with his sword, which ends as Billy Bones has a stroke.

What do Billy Bones tattoos say about him?

Dr. Livesey treats the captain with bloodletting to reduce the swelling in his brain. During his examination, the doctor notices a tattoo on the captain’s arm: ‘Billy Bones his fancy. ‘ Presumably, it means ‘the pleasure of Billy Bones,’ his favorite thing.

Why does Jim continue to endanger himself by heading out on his own?

Answer: Jim continues to take risks because he is very curious about who the pirates are and what they are doing. Jim’s reasoning is that he is smarter than pirates and will be able to get rid of any evil that they are planning, if he knows this in advance.

What is Pew’s most noticeable physical?

Pew’s most noticeable feature is his blindness: he lost his eyes in same attack in which Long John Silver lost his leg. Pew does not have a major role in the novel.

Why didn’t the people in the village help Jim and his mother?

Why doesn’t anyone from the village help Jim and his mother? They were afraid. They knew the reputation of Captain Flint. What’s found in Billy Bones pockets?

What role is given to Jim at the end of Chapter 6 of Treasure Island?

cabin boy

Why does Dr Livesey remain so calm when the old buccaneer threatens him?

Livesey remain so calm when the old buccaneer threatens him? He has power and money and can use his status against the pirate. He isn’t at the buccaneer’s mercy.

Was the treasure worth the death pain and sorrow it took to find it?

Answer: I think one of the themes is the destruction that the treasure leaves in its wake. Although the suffering is not worth it, the characters thrive on the idea of treasure more than the treasure itself. Their fantasy of what the treasure may bring them provides the motivation and provokes much of the adventure.

Which put all other matters on one side?

Probably I should have told the whole story to the doctor, for I was in mortal fear lest the captain should repent of his confessions and make an end of me. But as things fell out, my poor father died quite suddenly that evening, which put all other matters on one side.

How does Jim feel about silver does he trust him why or why not?

Answer. I think there is a relationship between the two. Louis Stevenson describes the actions of Silver trying to walk both lines makes him very agreeable to the reader. He is the real hero of the book.