How does Millicent change during the story?

How does Millicent change during the story?

By the end of the story, because of certain events Millicent changes her mind about the sorority and decides not to join. She wants to be a part of the sorority, but her mind keeps telling her no and telling her to be true to herself, even with all of the pressure of everyone else.

Who does Millicent think is a true best friend?

Explanation: Millicent thinks “if there is such a thing as a best friend, Tracy has been just that this year.”

Why does Millicent join the sorority?

In the beginning, Millicent was invited to join the sorority. Initially, she wanted to join the sorority in order to fit in or conform to the norm of the society. However, during the course of the initiation process she realized that she wanted to become true to herself than be involved in the sorority

Where does the flashback in initiation begin and end?

Flashback is a major part of the story because most of the story is a long extended flashback. It starts off in a flashback in the cellar and towards the end it goes back to the present and you find out that Millicent decided not to become part of the sorority club.

Who is the antagonist in initiation?

Beverly Mitchell

What is the theme of the story initiation?

The theme in Initiation is to be your own person, don’t follow in other peoples footsteps. The theme is associated with the truth. way the author views reality.

What is Millicent’s motivation for not joining a sorority?

Why does Millicent decide not to join the sorority? She decides to not join the sorority because its just a simple social group and if she does her friend will be left out and she will have to be something that she is not. She wants to be friends with everyone.

What is meant by Millicent’s private initiation?

What does the author mean when she says Millicent’s own “private initiation had just begun”? She’s beginning to learn how to be her own person. Only $2.99/month. Define: Flashback.

What are the two possible victories for Millicent?

What are two possible victories for Millicent? She has got two options;either to become part of the select flock or to chose a different way of getting into the great hall blazing with lights,of people and life hence not to join the sorority after having successfully undergone the initiation process.

What do you think Millicent will say to the sorority sisters?

Answer. Answer: I’m sorry, but I’ve changed my mind about joining the sorority. I’d like to be free to be friends with anyone I choose

What do the heather birds symbolize in initiation?

shows readers the importance of being yourself. One of the big symbols in the story is birds, specifically, Heather birds. describes these birds as mythological creatures. This quote illustrates how Millicent is symbolized by the Heather birds.

What is Millicent’s internal conflict?

de Jonge’s board: Internal Conflict- a character struggles with own emotions, decisions, desires. Only $2.99/month. External Conflict. When Beverly calls Millicent “gopher” and makes her do ridiculous hazing activities.

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent quizlet?

What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent? The author uses direct characterization to describe how Millicent looks.

What is rat court?

Freshman girls, who were called “Rats,” were required to dress in a particular fashion and perform various tasks dictated by the Sophomores who were known as “Cats.” Some years, however, the day ended with “Rat Court” where nine Sophomore Cats were selected as “Judges” and ten Freshman Rats were put on a mock trial

What is internal conflict characteristics vs character?

An internal conflict features character vs self/inner conflict. Internal conflict focuses on the character who struggles against himself/herself, fears, flaws, obsessions or any other feature that creates a psychological conflict, which often results in character development and narrative tension

What technique does the author use to describe Millicent in this scene?

direct characterization

What must a reader consider to analyze characterization?

what the character says and does. when the character enters the narrative. what the character thinks and feels. how others react to the character

What is the purpose of characterization?

In order to interest and move readers, characters need to seem real. Authors achieve this by providing details that make characters individual and particular. Good characterization gives readers a strong sense of characters’ personalities and complexities; it makes characters vivid, alive and believable.