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How does skloot description of the time period further develop the idea that Henrietta might have deferred to anything her doctors said?

How does skloot description of the time period further develop the idea that Henrietta might have deferred to anything her doctors said?

How does Skloot’s description of the time period further develop the idea that Henrietta might have “deferred to anything her doctors said” (p. Skloot explains, “This was 1951 in Baltimore, segregation was law, and it was understood that black people didn’t question white people’s professional judgment” (p. 63).

How was Cootie related to Henrietta?

How was Cootie related to Henrietta? Cootie is Henrietta’s first cousin. Cootie seems to know and understand a little bit about HeLa cells, but he believes that Henrietta’s spirit is still present in her cells.

Should tissue be removed from a patient without consent?

If a researcher takes tissues specifically for research and the “donor’s” name is attached, federal law requires informed consent. But if the tissue is taken for some other purpose—a routine biopsy or a fetal blood test—as long as the patient’s identity is removed from the sample, consent isn’t required.

Do patients own their tissues once they leave their body and do they have the right to control what is done with their tissues?

The foregoing cases demonstrate that, while individuals have the right to donate bodily tissues for research purposes, the right to own and control use of donated tissues vanishes once those tissues leave the body.

Do you own your own cells?

Individuals often give up their ownership rights, without even realizing it, when they agree to the terms and conditions on social media platforms or some apps. And court cases like Moore v. Regents of University of California (1990) have ruled that an individual does not actually own their own biological cells.

Are HeLa cells still used?

The immortality of HeLa cells contributed to their adoption across the world as the human cell line of choice for biomedical research. Though additional cells lines have been developed over the years, HeLa cells continue to be widely used to advance biomedical research and medicine.

Are Vero cells immortal?

Vero is a kidney epithetical cell line derived from an African Green Monkey. Vero gets its name from a derivation of green kidney- Verda Reno. Since they are derived from normal kidney cells and not immortal cells like HeLa, Vero cells retain the attributes of normal cells, notably cell contact inhibition. …

Why do we use Vero cells?

Vero cells are used for many purposes, including: screening for the toxin of Escherichia coli, first named “Vero toxin” after this cell line, and later called “Shiga-like toxin” due to its similarity to Shiga toxin isolated from Shigella dysenteriae.

What is isolation of virus?

Virus isolation is a basic, reliable, and widely used method for diagnosis of BVDV infection and remains the gold standard for BVDV diagnostics. The BVDV may be cultured and isolated from many samples including serum, whole blood, semen, nasal swabs, and various types of tissues.

What are Vero cells used for?

In addition, Vero cells have been licensed in the United States for production of both live (rotavirus, smallpox) and inactivated (poliovirus) viral vaccines, and throughout the world Vero cells have been used for the production of a number of other viruses, including Rabies virus, Reovirus and Japanese encephalitis …

What is Vero hSLAM cells?

Vero/hSLAM was derived by transfection of Vero cells with a vector plasmid (pCXN2) containing the neomycin resistance gene and an expression plasmid (pCAG-hSLAM) encoding the human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) , also known as CDw150, which is a receptor for measles virus.

What are African green monkey kidney cell lines used for?

Preliminary studies indicated that an African green monkey kidney cell line (Vero) is a suitable system for the primary isolation and cultivation of influenza A viruses (E. A. Govorkova, N. V. Kaverin, L. V. Gubareva, B.

How are cell lines used?

Cell lines have revolutionized scientific research and are being used in vaccine production, testing drug metabolism and cytotoxicity, antibody production, study of gene function, generation of artificial tissues (e.g., artificial skin) and synthesis of biological compounds e.g., therapeutic proteins.