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How is Squire Trelawney described?

How is Squire Trelawney described?

Stevenson describes him as a tall man, over six feet high, and plump in proportion, and he has a bluff, rough-and-ready face, all roughened and reddened and lined from his long travels. His eyebrows are very black, and move readily, and this gives him a look of some temper, not bad, you would say, but quick and high.

What happens in Chapter 7 of Treasure Island?

Summary: Chapter VII The ship is called the Hispaniola. Trelawney relates that he had some trouble finding a crew for the voyage until he had the good fortune to meet up with an old one- legged sailor named Long John Silver. Silver tells Trelawney that he misses the sea and wishes to set sail again as the ship’s cook.

When Squire Trelawney said he would go to Bristol What was he going to get?

As Chapter 7 (“I Go to Bristol”) begins, Jim is staying at the squire’s Hall for his protection and that of the map, while Dr. Livesey is in London to arrange for someone to take over his medical practice and Squire Trelawney is in Bristol to buy and outfit a ship.

What happened in chapter 13 of Treasure Island?

Chapter 13 opens with Jim staring at Treasure Island expressing his hatred for it. At the end of the chapter, Jim sneaks onto a boat going ashore. When he lands, he runs deep into the island with Long John Silver calling his name behind him.

Why does Captain Smollett allow the crew to leave the ship without him in chapters 13 15 of Treasure Island?

Smollett does not reveal what he knows about the planned mutiny. After consulting with Squire Trelawney, he decides to allow the crew to go ashore for diversion, which allows the honest men to reclaim control of the ship.

What was Long John Silver signaling when he blew his whistle?

When Jim comes to, he sees Long John Silver pull a whistle out of his pocket and blow a series of notes as some kind of signal. Jim grows frightened and crawls away. Jim is lost and too afraid to go back to the ship. He thinks he’s either going to starve to death on the island or be murdered by the mutineers.

Why didn’t the people in the village help Jim and his mother?

Why doesn’t anyone from the village help Jim and his mother? They were afraid. They knew the reputation of Captain Flint. What’s found in Billy Bones pockets?

What criteria does the Squire have for putting a crew together why does he trust Long John Silver?

He trusts Long John Silver because Long John said he fought in the military. The squire believes everything someone tells him.

Why does Jim continue to endanger himself by heading out on his own?

Answer: Jim continues to take risks because he is very curious about who the pirates are and what they are doing. Jim’s reasoning is that he is smarter than pirates and will be able to get rid of any evil that they are planning, if he knows this in advance.

What do black dog and Bill argue about?

Black Dog is pale and thin and missing two fingers. What do Black Dog and Bill argue about? We don’t know. Jim couldn’t hear them.

Who does Long John Silver want to kill?


Why does Dr Livesey remain so calm when the old buccaneer threatens him?

Livesey remain so calm when the old buccaneer threatens him? He has power and money and can use his status against the pirate. He isn’t at the buccaneer’s mercy.

Was Dr Livesey afraid of the old Buccaneer?

Livesey, and he is horribly frightened of his erstwhile shipmates, especially the one-legged man for whom he urges Jim to keep a sharp lookout. What is Billy Bones doing at the Admiral Benbow? In fact, he seems to have no real idea.

Why does Abraham Gray decide to support the captain?

Answer: Because the captain called him out when he was below deck to give him a second chance. Explanation: After Abraham Gray was called above deck to be given a second chance he fought for 30 seconds and was given redemption by the captain. He had to fight through a total of 5 men to get his redemption.

How does Jim feel about silver does he trust him why or why not?

Answer. I think there is a relationship between the two. Louis Stevenson describes the actions of Silver trying to walk both lines makes him very agreeable to the reader. He is the real hero of the book.

What does the captain ask for when he is on bed rest?

The Captain’s Bed Rest We soon learn that the captain is absolutely an alcoholic. He is on bed rest and sucks up to Jim by saying, ”you’re the only one here that’s worth anything” and then asks him for some rum.

What does Jim mean when he says that it was my second folly far worse than first?

Jim describes leaving the stockade as a second folly (mistake) and admits that it was worse then his first. why was it worse? -knows pirates are ruthless (sees this in battle) -leaving only 2 men (Gray & Squire) to defend the fort.

Why did Israel Hands send Jim to get him some wine?

Define Jolly Roger. Jim wants Israel Hands to help him sail the boat. Why did Israel Hands want Jim Hawkins to go below deck to get a bottle of wine. He wants to go below so he can get a hold of knife to hide and kill Jim at the right time.

What part of Jim’s body does hands pin to a mast with his knife before Jim shoots him?


What evidence is there that Jim Cannot Trust hands?

“Jolly Roger” is a pirate’s flag with a white skull and crossbones on a black backround. 2.) What evidence is there that Jim cannot trust Hands? Answer~ Jim shouldn’t trust Hands because Hands had killed a man named O’Brien who had laid dead as Jim boarded the Hispaniola and could do the same to him.

What happened to Israel hands Treasure Island?

Israel Hands throws his knife at Jim, injuring his arm. Jim is so surprised by the blow that he accidentally squeezes the trigger of his two loaded pistols, killing Hands.

Did Billy Bones die?

In Robert Louis Stevenson’s adventure novel Treasure Island, pirate Billy Bones survives his life as a pirate only to die as the result of two strokes, complicated by a lifetime of excessive drinking. Billy suffers the first stroke after a fight with an old shipmate known as Black Dog.

What does Israel hands keep doing that gives away that he is lying in Chapters 25/27 of Treasure Island?

Israel Hands offers to help Jim sail the ship if Jim will bring him food, alcohol, and something to bandage his wound.

Is Blackbeard mentioned in Treasure Island?

Five real-life pirates mentioned are William Kidd (active 1696–99), Blackbeard (1716–18), Edward England (1717–20), Howell Davis (1718–19), and Bartholomew Roberts (1718–22).

Does Blackbeard really have a daughter?

9. Blackbeard married a local girl when he settled for a time before his death in North Carolina. They had a daughter called Elizabeth who later died young with no issue.

What killed Blackbeard?


Where would pirates hide their treasure?

Some pirates buried treasure—most notably Captain William Kidd. Captain Kidd was at the time considered a pirate by authorities in the Caribbean, and headed to New York to turn himself in and hopefully clear his name. As a precaution he buried his treasure on Gardiner’s Island, off of Long Island near New York City.

What happens if you find lost treasure?

In California, there is a law mandating that any found property valued over $100 be turned over to police. Authorities must then wait 90 days, advertise the lost property for a week, and finally release it to the person who found it if no one could prove ownership.

Did pirates actually say Arrr?

Pronounced also as “Yarrr!” and “Arg!”, the word “Arrr!” is traditionally said by pirates when responding “yes” or when expressing excitement. Many of the phrases that most people think of as pirate speech today can actually be traced back to portrayals of pirates in movies.

What is the greatest treasure never found?

Here are 10 lost treasures of the world whose value cannot be measured.

  • Lost Dutchman Mine.
  • The Library of the Moscow Tsars.
  • The Amber Room.
  • Ark of the Covenant.
  • Romanov Easter Eggs.
  • Jewels of King John.
  • Lost Inca Gold.
  • Dead Sea Copper Scroll Treasures. Fragment of a Dead Sea Scroll, Jordan Museum, Amman.