How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above the poet?

How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above the poet?

The Poet Laureate Consultant, and the Librarian of Congress eagerly prepare for the new Walt Whitman exhibit. How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above? The comma attempts to separate a compound subject. The comma attempts to separate a compound predicate.

How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above the graduate students?

The graduate students filled out the necessary applications, and submitted the required references. How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above? The comma attempts to separate a compound predicate. The comma attempts to set apart an essential element.

Is the comma used correctly?

Use a comma before any coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet) that links two independent clauses.

What is semicolon example?

A semicolon may be used between independent clauses joined by a connector, such as and, but, or, nor, etc., when one or more commas appear in the first clause. Example: When I finish here, and I will soon, I’ll be glad to help you; and that is a promise I will keep.

How do I write a semicolon?

Here are the rules for using semicolons correctly; we hope you’re taking notes.

  1. Semicolons Connect Related Independent Clauses.
  2. Delete the Conjunction When You Use a Semicolon.
  3. Use Semicolons in a Serial List.
  4. Use Semicolons With Conjunctive Adverbs.
  5. Use a Semicolon to Give a Wily Wink.

How do you write a list in a sentence?

Format for Lists

  1. Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list.
  2. Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc.
  3. Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the parentheses, but use them consistently.

How do you list three things in a sentence?

Use commas to separate three or more items in a series. Lists of three or more words, phrases, and clauses require commas between each item.

What do you put before a list?

Use a colon before a list when the list is preceded by a complete independent clause. Never use a colon to separate a preposition from its objects or a verb from its complements. Some form of the word follow usually indicates a colon before the list.

What punctuation mark is used for a list?


What punctuation is used before a list?


Which Colon comes before a list?

Use a colon to introduce an item or list, if the list comes after a complete sentence or independent clause. For example: There are three things every dog needs: food, water and healthcare.